History, even negative, or bad history, needs to be remembered, and not destroyed.
The Lib podcast will be returning soon for season 2. For now, enjoy the written word. If you mention separate but equal , most people would point out that segregation is against the law. Period. Today that is supposedly true, but it hasn't always been that way. In fact the doctrine of Separate but Equal has its roots in a time when it was the government enforcing it on the public, with businesses fighting it. During my Civil Liberties Class this past semester, we studied two Supreme Court precedents that are linked together, as the second canceled the first. To understand how to move forward, one needs to know from whence they have come. History teaches us that. Of course, history is subjective, and as many say, is written by the victors. In 1984, George Orwell wrote that there were whole groups of people dedicated to doing nothing but rewriting history so that it matched with the current theme. They also narrowed the language, ...