The Brownback Effect, and why Donald Trump and those associated with cannot win in 2024.
As it stands, Donald Trump is likely to win the Republican nomination for President in 2024. Even Governor Ron DeSantis (FL) likely cannot beat him. He cannot win the general. A bold statement, though if thought about seems perfectly logical. As a reminder, it was when the Republicans in the Senate caved in December of 2015 on an Omnibus Spending Bill (sound familiar?) That on this very blog, it was predicted that not only would Donald Trump win the GOP nomination (The Lib supported at the time, Senator Rand Paul, then Ted Cruz, Gary Johnson (L), before supporting Trump), but that he would win the General Election. Sam Brownback served as an Ambassador in the Trump Administration, after being on the outs in Topeka as Governor. He had successfully been elected to the 2nd District in the House, moved to the Senate when Dole resigned to run for President, then ran as governor. He proposed significant tax cuts, which the state house went along with, but school districts were not prepa...