
Showing posts from January, 2018

Wait, I thought we didn't legislate morality?

Today, as  the Senate voted to support a filibuster on post 20 week abortions, we heard a new argument today. Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) joined with 45 of her peers in the Senate to support the filibuster against the bill to ban ELECTIVE abortions after 20 weeks.  Did I mention that she is one of the favorites for the 2020 presidential campaign?  She said it was "Dangerous and Immoral" ?  I thought that we didn't legislate morality.  Well, Senator Harris, you are all for our standing in the world, right?  Globalism, and all that BS?  Well, here is the list of countries that have elective abortion after 20 weeks.  It is pretty long: North Korea Vietnam China Singapore Canada Netherlands United States I guess it wasn't as long as I thought.  Rather than list all of those who voted in the MINORITY (filibuster=bad) to block this bill, you can presume that with the following exceptions, Democrats supported genocide and Republica...

This is BS

Probably not too long, but couldn't help but write. The last budget passed by the Congress was in 2009.  They wouldn't touch it in 2010, as the Democrats didn't want to do anything to impact what they suspected was going to be a disastrous election. (it was)  The GOP took the House, eliminated the filibuster proof majority in the Senate, and, had some of the candidates not been kooks, may have taken the Senate. All spending bills originate in the House.  If memory serves, without googling, there are 13 appropriation bills that are passed to fund the various parts of the government.  The House attempted to do just that, to get rid of the CRs, but to no avail.  The Senate wouldn't budge, and that is where people put party and politics before the people that they allegedly serve.  Senator Reid (D-NV), took to the floor of the Senate in 2012 and willingly and intentionally LIED about Governor Romney in the run-up to the Presidential election.  Why i...

Are you kidding me?

You know, it is no surprise to hear a US Senator compare the sitting president to a mass murdering dictator.  Especially if that Senator has already proven to support that kind of authoritarianism, in Cuba no less.  What is surprising, of course, is that it was a comparison to Josef Stalin, not Hitler, and it was a so called Republican that did it. Of course, what the soon to be former Senator from Arizona didn't mention, was that he had no chance in the primary race for re-election, let alone the general.  His pro-Amnesty stance and his Never-Trumper position (in a state where Trump's approval rating has increased) were death to the pseudo conservative.  Stalin, was responsible for tens of millions of deaths.  His show trials, which the left in this country fawned over, were just that.  Show.  I don't care how much you hate Trump, that is a little much. Shifting gears. Another government shutdown looming.  Democrats are confident that the...

Enforce the law, or repeal it!

There are too many criminal federal laws on the books.  Laws that overlap state jurisdiction, laws that are obsolete, laws that put people in jail for no reason.  I am not even talking about the IRS, with its own courts, and rules governing them, I am talking about federal statute, in particular, the drug laws. Look, most of the Boomers, Xers, etc, cheered on the hard core minimum sentencing, the three strikes laws, and the put them away mentality.  This was BIPARTISAN, by the way, for those of you bemoaning partisanship.  Crime fighting was all the rage.  Governor Clinton executed a murderer who was so mentally disabled, he saved the dessert from his last meal for later.   We were wrong. The leviathan that was the federal government was given even greater weapons and steroids with these laws, and they went nuts.  What do we have from it?  A surveillance system that was boosted by 911 and the The Patriot Act, to spy on people....