Wait, I thought we didn't legislate morality?

Today, as  the Senate voted to support a filibuster on post 20 week abortions, we heard a new argument today.

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) joined with 45 of her peers in the Senate to support the filibuster against the bill to ban ELECTIVE abortions after 20 weeks.  Did I mention that she is one of the favorites for the 2020 presidential campaign?  She said it was "Dangerous and Immoral"?  I thought that we didn't legislate morality.  Well, Senator Harris, you are all for our standing in the world, right?  Globalism, and all that BS?  Well, here is the list of countries that have elective abortion after 20 weeks.  It is pretty long:

North Korea
United States

I guess it wasn't as long as I thought. 

Rather than list all of those who voted in the MINORITY (filibuster=bad) to block this bill, you can presume that with the following exceptions, Democrats supported genocide and Republicans were against genocide.

Democrats AGAINST genocide
Manchin,      WV
Connelly       IN
Casey            PA

Republicans FOR genocide
Collins         ME
Murkowski   AK

Another point of reference.  Roe vs. Wade, as bad of law as it is, only guaranteed the right to kill a baby in the first trimester.  Right now, Roe is the law of the land.  And getting into the weeds of rape and incest are not an appropriate discussion at the level of making law.  Either legal or not.

Look.  I am pro-life.  Period.  I DO NOT condemn the woman that has chosen to undergo this procedure.  I am not a woman and can't know what is in their mind and heart at the time.  I can't judge what would persuade a doctor to perform these procedures in the last weeks of a pregnancy.  I won't even judge those politicians who are so beholden to their racism that they have to vote the way they do.  But every nation in the world, with the above exceptions, bans elective procedures after 20 weeks, (some as early as 12 weeks)

This law is not controversial, and it had a majority of support.

The party of the Klan continued its legacy tonight.  They supported slavery under the morality banner, as well as Jim Crow laws.  I guess it is no wonder that they are flying the morality banner for genocide.  Or abortion, if you are uncomfortable with genocide.

I guess the argument isn't really that new.


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