I know, a religious piece on the Lib? Yup. Benjamin Franklin, after weeks of deliberation during the Constitutional Convention in 1787, seeing the lack of progress, stood, and gave a speech, pointing out that they had "not once applied to the Father of Light to illuminate our understanding?" Yes, Benjamin Franklin believed in God. Contrary to what you may have read about most of the Founders, they were nearly all deeply religious, in their own ways. Mr. Franklin went on to state that during the Revolution, not one day went by without an appeal to God in that hall. Did you know that this year marks the 231st anniversary of the US Constitution? And that that anniversary is September 17? You didn't? I am not surprised. There are many misconceptions about the Constitution, and while most of us may know that July 4 is the anniversary date of the Declaration, few know the date in September. Pity, as some have said that the Constitutio...