
Showing posts from August, 2018


I know, a religious piece on the Lib?  Yup. Benjamin Franklin, after weeks of deliberation during the Constitutional Convention in 1787, seeing the lack of progress, stood, and gave a speech, pointing out that they had "not once applied to the Father of Light to illuminate our understanding?"   Yes, Benjamin Franklin believed in God.  Contrary to what you may have read about most of the Founders, they were nearly all deeply religious, in their own ways.  Mr. Franklin went on to state that during the Revolution, not one day went by without an appeal to God in that hall. Did you know that this year marks the 231st anniversary of the US Constitution?  And that that anniversary is September 17?  You didn't?  I am not surprised.  There are many misconceptions about the Constitution, and while most of us may know that July 4 is the anniversary date of the Declaration, few know the date in September.  Pity, as some have said that the Constitutio...

Who are the fascists?

There are so many things rattling around my head that it probably is a mistake to write, but I must. We had a couple of dozen white supremacists mark the 1 year anniversary of the Charlottesville Massacre.  Facing them were well over 100 masked individuals calling for violence on everyone that disagreed with them.  This spilled out onto the police presence, which was absent last year, intentionally, by most accounts.  And not just the police, but the media as well.  I found that amusing that they, for some reason, did not emphasize those attacks.  This masked mob is known as Antifa, or the Anti-Fascists.  They claim to fight against hatred, by being intolerant of every opinion that differs from theirs.  or maybe they take their terms from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which labels anyone that is not a progressive a hate group.  Hitler, they cry!  Nazis, they cry, and then proceed to make stupid statements about how these people came out ...

Primary week in KS, what is a Libertarian to do?

Haven't written for a while on this side of the brain, so thought I would throw a few thoughts out about the upcoming primary, and elections in general. As a registered Libertarian, I am not eligible to vote in either the GOP or the Dem Primary this week.  This is too bad, as had I known that the Red Star had written such a blistering editorial against Kris Kobach for Governor, I would have changed my registration to the GOP.   I won't link it, but it was pretty horrendous.  Doesn't matter, it just the primary, but does set up the general election in November. So, passing the Primary, who does one vote for in the general election?  The Republican, though they have never lived up to what they campaign on?  Or the Libertarian, that has nearly no chance of winning, and more than likely will siphon votes from the Republican, thus making a Democrat competitive?  I won't support financially most from either national party.  I can't.  Democrats ...