Minimum wage-Screwing blacks for eighty years
Did you know the original intent of the Federal Minimum Wage? Well, you can guess, as it was passed by Democrats, that it was structured in some way to hurt black workers. You would be right. It was originally established to set a "standard wage" . Of course what history books seem to have lost is that the reason it was 'necessary' is because white workers were having to compete with contractors who brought their own black crews with them, undercutting jobs. Before the minimum wage, black teenage unemployment was actually lower than white teenage unemployment. What happened after? Yeah, you know, it was completely reversed. So why is the minimum wage so harmful? Can we talk? First, the real minimum wage is $0. That is right, that is what an employee earns after they have been replaced, or their position eliminated. Did you know that less than 1% of minimum wage workers are supporting themselves, or a family? I...