Minimum wage-Screwing blacks for eighty years

Did you know the original intent of the Federal Minimum Wage?  Well, you can guess, as it was passed by Democrats, that it was structured in some way to hurt black workers.  You would be right.

It was originally established to set a "standard wage".  Of course what history books seem to have lost is that the reason it was 'necessary' is because white workers were having to compete with contractors who brought their own black crews with them, undercutting jobs.  Before the minimum wage, black teenage unemployment was actually lower than white teenage unemployment.  What happened after?  Yeah, you know, it was completely reversed.  So why is the minimum wage so harmful?

Can we talk?  First, the real minimum wage is $0.  That is right, that is what an employee earns after they have been replaced, or their position eliminated.  Did you know that less than 1% of minimum wage workers are supporting themselves, or a family?   It is for entry level positions, not for people to support themselves on.  Why do workers get priced out of the market with a high minimum wage?  Well, if a worker's hourly production equals $7 an hour to the business, and they have to be paid $15 an hour, well, the employer is losing money by having that employee work.  Employers want to get the best bang for their buck hiring, and so they are less likely to hire an unskilled worker that will take time before their production matches  their salary.

When I started working at Ponderosa Steakhouse in 1980, the minimum wage was $3.15.  I earned $2.65.  How was that possible?  There was a law that allowed teenagers to be hired at a sub-minimum wage, so that they could get started learning to work, and it was better business for the employer instead of hiring an adult at the minimum.  I didn't care for it at the time, but it paid gas, and I got free pop while working.  It provided a lower rung on the ladder.

So, if everyone has to pay the minimum wage, what is the problem?  Well, ask an employer if they can knowingly hire an illegal immigrant, or even an immigrant on a tourist or student visa.  They can't, except for in some agricultural areas.  So what are all of the illegals doing in the US if  they can't work.  Answer?  They DO work, but they either work using false ID, or they are working for "cash under the table".  So, remember how blacks were shut out of the work force back in the 30s?  There was much more enforcement of wage law in those days.  Well, today, they are being shut out of "jobs that no American will do" by the lax enforcement of those laws.  An employer cannot hire anyone legally for less than the minimum wage, even if someone is willing to do so for the experience.

Today, we are having lots of discussions about borders, walls, and what to do with the 11-22 million illegals that are already here.  We can't deport that many people, and the economy would collapse if we tried to do so.  Plus enforcement of deportation of the "one" is costly.  So what do we do?

E-verify.  A system that allows employers to verify credentials of a potential employee.  Is it flawless?  No, but it is absolutely abhorred by people that encourage the use of illegals, and believe me that is bipartisan.  But think about how much cheaper it would be for Border Patrol to spend their time dealing with employers, verifying records, rather than chasing down someone and shooting them with tear gas.  Start enforcing the law on employers and that will have the effect of getting them in line, plus the effect of future hires, lessening the appeal of trying to get here illegally.  People will know.  Laws could be strengthened to make severe penalties for employers.  Provisions could be made for those that are here and want to stay to set up a system where they could work in the open.

This is a potential solution for a problem that was created by government and its refusal to do its job.  I hate the idea of giving government any kind of power, especially since they have pretty much failed at their primary job (securing the borders) but I guess you have to stop digging.   The American people overwhelmingly want the borders secured, AND, something done so that illegals can be made legal.

Or, get rid of the minimum wage.  Allow the market to dictate the compensation.  After all, jobs are not entitlements, they are an exchange between employer and employee.  One provides value to the other, in exchange for an agreed upon compensation.  Is that so hard?  With the government involved, it sort of is.


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