Mr. President, America will never be socialist?
I would be remiss without calling this one out. The bull in the china shop has done much to curtail regulations. No one can question that. Considering that he has to fight not only an entrenched bureaucracy, but also a Congress that never met a regulation it didn't like, he has done remarkably well. This one is bipartisan. And it has to stop. Congress passes "frameworks", themselves hundreds or thousands of pages, and hands them off to the Deep State, or Swamp, where it takes those hundreds or thousands of pages and turns them into thousands or tens of thousands of pages. There is no accountability in the Deep State, they are permanent civil service, impervious to politics, or even job performance for that matter. Guess where else there is no accountability? Congress. That is right, Congress can point their fingers at the Deep State and be aghast at what was spawned. In other words, there is no accountability, except at the Oval offic...