Questions for the fraud deniers, and why Trump conceding could truly run us past democracy into mob rule.
He's is making us look foolish internationally we are told. We look like a third world country we are told. There is no fraud. Have you heard or read that? You would have to be blind and deaf not to have done so. Does it ring true? Maybe. Should we stop? No WAY NO HOW! So, why shouldn't we? Let me ask some questions? Answer truthfully, try to not have bias. I realize that is impossible, as it is for me, but try. The MSM are adamant that there was NO fraud in the 2020 election. Some are hedging now, but only because to be in that position is idiotic. Literally. Once President Trump concedes the election, all counts, audits, and investigations into fraud will cease. There is no point in proceeding. Should we just assume that fraud is so minimal that it couldn't have an impact on the election? There is currently underway an investigation into what prompted the Russian collusion investigation. With a Biden w...