Questions for the fraud deniers, and why Trump conceding could truly run us past democracy into mob rule.

 He's is making us look foolish internationally we are told.  We look like a third world country we are told.  There is no fraud.  

Have you heard or read that?  You would have to be blind and deaf not to have done so.  Does it ring true?


Should we stop?


So, why shouldn't we?

Let me ask some questions?  Answer truthfully, try to not have bias.  I realize that is impossible, as it is for me, but try.

The MSM are adamant that there was NO fraud in the 2020 election.  Some are hedging now, but only because to be in that position is idiotic.  Literally.

Once President Trump concedes the election, all counts, audits, and investigations into fraud will cease.  There is no point in proceeding.  Should we just assume that fraud is so minimal that it couldn't have an impact on the election?

There is currently underway an investigation into what prompted the Russian collusion investigation.  With a Biden win, that investigation will end.  Are you comfortable assuming that the FBI just had gross incompetence at the top when it spoofed FISA judges to issue warrants spying on American citizens?  You don't want to know whether a law enforcement arm of the US Government, as well as the Intelligence Agencies, had been used as arms of a political party?  If you answered Yes, to either or both of those, we are doomed as a nation.  How can you not want to know?

General Michael Flynn was going to be the National Security Advisor, as such he had begun having conversations with the Russian ambassador.  Was that improper?  No.  But because of the FISA warrants, (see the previous question) key players knew about the calls, and after an improper discussion with FBI agents, (even Comey admitted such) they felt that he didn't lie, but the documentation indicated he did, or rather, the revised documentation said he did.  We don't know, as the original write ups disappeared.  So after a bunch of pressure by the Special Council, bankrupting him, they finally threatened his family, he acquiesced, and signed a plea deal, which recommended no jail time.  The judge did not agree, and so with new representation, an Attorney General and people looking for the truth, all of the stuff came out regarding the Trump campaign, and Flynn in particular.  The DoJ wanted to dismiss the charges, but the judge went and found new prosecutors, taking the prosecution out of the government's hands, and handing it to the mob.  Sadly, the Appeals court has allowed this to proceed, with the Judge's goal of running the clock out to a Biden administration, where the Biden DoJ will reinstate the charges.  Are you okay with that?  What can one man do against the federal government?  But with statists, and collectivists, the one is irrelevant.  The individual doesn't matter.  If it doesn't matter in the case of justice, do you think they care if it matters in the ballot box?

I haven't even touched on the potential compromising information on Hunter Biden's laptop, not that it will matter, once a President Biden is sworn in.  Well, actually it will. To those that tried  to bring the truth, as a government that under Biden's role model squashed and hunted down press that painted them in a bad light, used the IRS against political enemies, and ultimately used the FBI to try to stop a presidential candidate, do you think that anyone that questions anything will stand a chance?  They are already taking names, and they are not alone.  

The Lincoln Project, the last refuge of former Republican Never Trumpers, has been actively colluding with the Democrats, taking names of those that are helping the President.  They have promised to work against them.  A better name would be the John Wilkes Boothe Project, as they  try desperately to get in with the Biden administration.

So, refreshing the questions.

Should we just assume that fraud is so minimal that it couldn't have an impact on the election?

Are you comfortable assuming that the FBI just had gross incompetence at the top when it spoofed FISA judges to issue warrants spying on American citizens?

You don't want to know whether a law enforcement arm of the US Government, as well as the Intelligence Agencies, had been used as arms of a political party?

But with statists, and collectivists, the one is irrelevant.  The individual doesn't matter.  If it doesn't matter in the case of justice, do you think they care if it matters in the ballot box?

Should potential Biden corruption in the previous administration just be swept under the rug, as it will be in a Biden administration?

I realize that most of those questions have nothing to do with the election, but are merely results of the election, and that the people have spoken.  The truth is this. We had record voter turnout this year.  To put it in perspective, about 1/4 of those eligible to vote selected the President, regardless of who wins. It can truly be said that we get the government that we deserve.  Trump has probably been more transparent with his arrogance and actions than any president ever, compared to the previous administrations, including the Obama administration, which, according to them, didn't have a smidgeon of corruption.  He probably meant that, seeing the abuse of government power as a feature, not corruption.

Yup, we get the government we deserve.


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