Civil Rights, and Reynolds. It's not just polygamy anymore.
I have spoken and written about the Reynolds case, Reynolds v United States 98 US 145 (1878). While the case turned on polygamy, there is a far greater issue involved. Today we see Twitter and Facebook banning the President of the United States from Tweeting. They have decided, now that the Electoral College issue has been decided, and, to quote Rahm Emmanuel in "not letting a good crisis go to waste" , has used the rioting of a minuscule number of what is likely over a million people protesting the obvious theft of the election, to clamp down on the President, and many other conservatives. Remember, they don't hate Trump, so much as they hate his supporters. If you were in DC to support the President, to them, you were every bit as responsible for the breach of the Capital as those who did it. Period. Reynolds is an interesting case. The case was specifically whether George Reynolds, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (referred to henceforth...