Taking any bets?

 As a follow up to the last post. I am going to take my own advice. I can't take the attitudes anymore. The lines are drawn, the trenches are dug. The Cold Civil War has begun. 

Even though they won't read this, a warning to those reluctant to take sides:

You can't sit it out. I mean you can, but you will become fodder for one side or the other. If you live in an area that is solidly blue or red, you may be able to escape most of the border skirmishes. Not actual armed skirmishes, yet. 

It is because so many sit out elections that we are in this predicament. We likely only had about half or so of those eligible to vote in the November election choose to do so. Think about that, no matter which side won, only about a quarter of the population supported that candidate. Every time I think of that, because it is not a new experience, having gone on for decades, I think about those in Iraq, voting for the first time in a truly free election, holding a purple finger in the air, running a very real risk of being killed. Why? Because for the first time, they could.

Think about that for just a moment (Photograph from Christian Science Monitor). A real chance of dying from real bullets flying. The country was "secure" but as we sadly learned, there were pockets of resistance everywhere. If we were to have a split of the nation, or actually get into serious civil warfare, I think that there would be so much of that. We get the government we deserve, is probably the best way to describe it.

So what is one to do? Get off social media. No one listens to reason, or my version of reason there anyway. Or rather, no one that disagrees with me does. While I am not abandoning Social Media, I do need to get away from FB in particular, as I have already mostly abandoned the Twitter Account. The podcasts will continue, though not sure of the format. Also maybe more blog postings. I am not even sure how I will share that out. Not that a lot listen or read anyway. Maybe I will create a friends group to send out. If you are interested comment on the blog below. 

I guess I am really done casting pearls. People are decided. There are no open minds left, and maybe that includes me. 

So, you can consider the canyon that is formed by the river a place of learning, if you will, and while public, it will not send out public invitations. The Snake is one of the mightiest rivers in the country, and has tremendous influence throughout the pacific northwest. I won't have that kind of influence, but will always have water running, year round. But to the world, I just have one thing to say:

Who is John Galt?

Bets on how long I can operate this way? You can also comment on that below.


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