Inalienable rights.
As we honor the dead tomorrow on Memorial Day, I wanted to write in regards freedoms that are on the brink. The first amendment guarantees right to practice religion, of which I have often written. While it does not allow the US Congress to establish a religion (like the Church of England), it does not prohibit states from supporting, through collection of taxes, various denominations. Does that surprised? Shouldn't be. It also allows for the free exercise of religion. That is the first right guaranteed by the first amendment, followed by speech, press, the right to PEACEABLY assemble, and the right to petition the government for the redress of grievances. While I feel that Edward Snowden should be punished for revealing government secrets, I find it odd that the head of the NSA, who perjured himself before Congress, by saying that such a program didn't exist, until it was found out that it did, has had no charges against him, and was not forced to resign. ...