Random thoughts
So, as the minimum wage in DC is on its way to $15.00 an hour, what are the results so far? It is estimated that almost 1,400 jobs have been lost due to the increase. So those that are still working are probably grateful. Those that aren't, well, you know. Results don't matter. "we meant well" is the mantra for the left. This is different than Seattle, where those that did manage to keep their jobs are now asking for fewer hours so that they can stay on the assistance that they HAD been receiving. I thought that was the purpose of the minimum wage increase, was to eliminate that need. Donald is accused of being racist. Hillary is corrupt. Can't say for certain the answer for the first, but definitely know that the media have gone full in for Hillary to the point that they are not even pretending to be objective anymore. I have no love for the Donald, but he is saying and doing the right things, sort of. Gary Johns...