
Showing posts from August, 2016

Random thoughts

So, as the minimum wage in DC is on its way to $15.00 an hour, what are the results so far?  It is estimated that almost 1,400 jobs have been lost due to the increase.  So those that are still working are probably grateful.  Those that aren't, well,  you know.  Results don't matter.  "we meant well" is the mantra for the left.  This is different than Seattle, where those that did manage to keep their jobs are now asking for fewer hours so that they can stay on the assistance that they HAD been receiving.  I thought that was the purpose of the minimum wage increase, was to eliminate that need. Donald is accused of being racist.  Hillary is corrupt.  Can't say for certain the answer for the first, but definitely know that the media have gone full in for Hillary to the point that they are not even pretending to be objective anymore.  I have no love for the Donald, but he is saying and doing the right things, sort of.  Gary Johns...

Something to consider.

As a review, Gary Johnson tried to lean on the Mormons being shafted by the governments of Missouri, Illinois, and the United States as a reason why government should be able to limit religious freedom.  Big mistake for someone that needs to win a traditionally VERY red state. So, let me offer some advice to the Donald.  I speak as one that has gone over to the Libertarian side, and watched the LP nominee go right past the principles of the LP to the "Fiscally moderate, socially liberal",  statist world. Mr. Trump.  Let me first state that I was impressed with your speech today on your vision of the government role in the economy.  I do not believe that tariffs are the answer, but I also don't think that selling out to other nations is the way either.  Free trade should prevail. You have made some very strong statements on immigration.  Some of them were obviously wrong headed, and you have taken a few steps back from that.  So I will only...

A Libertarian, a Democrat, and a Republican run for President.

So Gary Johnson does a mea culpa in the Deseret News, regarding his intolerance of religious freedom.  He espouses the "fiscally conservative, socially liberal" mantra, which is different than Libertarian.  He has missed the point.  And he completely misses the fact that the Mormons were consistently harassed, and persecuted, and in one state, ordered to leave, or die.  Of course, Mormons are very on edge about anyone that wants to let the government run roughshod over a religion that does not conform with the government point of view.  Governor Johnson apparently is aware of the need to get Utah, which is reachable for him if he can figure this one out.  Note to Governor Johnson, the support you have gotten from many is due to the ideal that government doesn't make decisions for individuals, or businesses.  Remember, leave me alone and I leave you alone. With Senator Sanders out of the race, we are not hearing about socialism in the Nordic countries...

Open questions to Governor Johnson

Governor Johnson, I have supported you, I argue in your favor with many people.  I point out that a vote for you is not wasted, even though many of my friends vehemently disagree.  So what gives? Your running mate has stated that we need more Constitutionalist Judges, like Justice Breyer, on the Supreme Court.  I get that you all are farther left socially than I am.  I am okay with that, I have reconciled it, and argue over that with many socially and religiously conservative friends. I am not okay with Justice Breyer, who seems to make up precedent out of air.  As if that wasn't an affront too far, Weld has also intimated that Garland, yes, Merrick Garland, nominated by the most tyrannical president ever, would be a good pick.  Really?  Garland, the DC Circuit judge that wrote the opinion that was overturned in Heller?  I do think the Senate should give him a hearing, contrary to what they say now.  I can see it like this. Senator : ...