Random thoughts

So, as the minimum wage in DC is on its way to $15.00 an hour, what are the results so far?  It is estimated that almost 1,400 jobs have been lost due to the increase.  So those that are still working are probably grateful.  Those that aren't, well,  you know.  Results don't matter.  "we meant well" is the mantra for the left.  This is different than Seattle, where those that did manage to keep their jobs are now asking for fewer hours so that they can stay on the assistance that they HAD been receiving.  I thought that was the purpose of the minimum wage increase, was to eliminate that need.

Donald is accused of being racist.  Hillary is corrupt.  Can't say for certain the answer for the first, but definitely know that the media have gone full in for Hillary to the point that they are not even pretending to be objective anymore.  I have no love for the Donald, but he is saying and doing the right things, sort of.  Gary Johnson somehow fell on the climate change CO2 tax wagon.  All I can hear on him in my mind is "I side with Bernie 73% of the time"  Governor, it may be time for you to look up the platform of the Libertarian party.

If  needing to exercise whatever make believe right you have,  forces me to not be able to exercise one of my rights, why does yours take precedence over mine?

The 49ers QB refused to stand for the Star Spangled Banner.  Maybe he is preparing for his turn in the Canadian League, I don't know, but his rationale that this country oppresses people of color is insane. If he just wanted to exercise his rights by sitting, I am actually okay with that. But statistics are against him on that thought, (and his ability).  I will say this.  After all the rigging of the system to make up for past oppression (guess which party.  you know) We have learned that the more you try to suppress an individual's right of association, the more angry and hateful they get.  This is a perfect example; If the 1964 Civil Rights Act had simply eliminated the Democrat sponsored Jim Crow laws, and let individuals do what they want, (remember, it was those laws that created segregated restaurants, drinking fountains, restrooms, etc.) we would probably be a much less divided country.

 Come on, we now have colleges building dorms so that students CAN be segregated, by their choice, of course.  All the desegregation cases.  All the businesses who can't hire their choice of people.  Who can't serve their choice of people,  Had those sections been left out of the Civil Rights Law,  a lot of the issues today wouldn't even exist.

 Little known fact.  Senator Goldwater, a libertarian Republican Senator from AZ and presidential candidate opposed the bill because "you can't legislate morality"  where have I heard that argument before?  (abortion, gay marriage, marijuana) I have come to understand that he, and unfortunately, the Dems who used this argument, were, and are correct.

We are rapidly approaching a time of tyranny.  Too many laws being enforced based on the needs of the State at any given moment.  When you have too many laws, you have no law.  No one knows what they all are.  Because of the lack of, or selective, enforcement, we have massive problems in immigration, gun possession, illegal drug use, etc.

"Our immigration system is broken, that is why we need comprehensive immigration (read amnesty) reform"  Note to you amnesty types.  If immigration laws are not upheld (they are selectively upheld) then you can't say it is broken.  Here is some "Common Sense" Immigration Reform;  ENFORCE THE LAW!!!  Then we can see what actually needs to be fixed, and maybe how it can be fixed.

Same with gun laws.  I love that the party that has consistently demonstrated the least amount of common sense in ANYTHING  is telling us we need new gun laws.  Here, let me help with REAL common sense.  If a felon is picked up on a drug charge, and he is packing, that is a 5 year sentence for each gun.  Served consecutively. (or maybe 10, can't remember)  If he has three, throw out the drug charge, he is going to prison for 15 years!  What? We don't do that?  Then shut up about new gun laws.

Tying in with the above convicted felon with a gun, we need to be careful when legalizing marijuana, or other drugs.  If there is a push to grant clemency for those "non-violent" drug offenders in prison, their records need to be thoroughly vetted.   Many of them may have had weapons with them, and did a plea deal for the drugs, dropping the other charges.  No person serving time for drugs should be released before their sentence is up if there were any other potential charges involved with the arrest and conviction.

Speaking of selective enforcement of drug laws.  It is still a federal crime to possess, deal, or use marijuana of any form, for any reason.  No matter what states are doing.  All it would take to really toss this country into chaos is a new president who wants to enforce any of the laws above.

If we have reached the point where the electorate doesn't care about corruption, because politicians are all corrupt, we are in trouble.  If we have an electorate that loves a candidate that will be what people want him to be, we are in bigger trouble. If Trump could be trusted on some of his thought out policies, then that bull in the china shop could be what we need.  If the Libertarian Johnson can't understand his own platform then what are we left to do?  We are told that voting for the lessor of two evils is still evil.  What if the one that you thought was not evil may not be all that?

Vote down ticket.  No matter how you vote, or not, on the Presidential ballot.  The real battle will be fought in the Senate, no matter what happens on top.


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