Time to bring in Troy and the boys.
If you watch History Channel, they have a show called "Swamp People". A reality show that tracks several different gator hunters during gator season. My favorite is Troy. A Cajun, he seems to consistently bring in the most of any of the assembled group.
Why do I bring this up? If not obvious, it will be in a moment.
We have seen that the FBI has been thoroughly discredited. To be honest, it started way before Trump, or Comey, or Mueller, or even Obama, or Bush. Of course, Holder, and Lynch, the AGs during the Obama administration set the stage for this disrespect. The media has a hand in this, because while Democrats controlled the administration, the Department of Justice could do no wrong.
Wiretap a reporter? "Who cares, it was FOX?"
Weaponize the IRS? "It was just those Tea Party people anyway."
Put people on a watch list by key words, such as "Constitution", "Patriot", "Liberty"? "It is just those darn rightwing extremists, so, whatever".
Mainstream media "Yawn"
Make no mistake, I personally think the FBI should be disbanded, and have written as such. Of course, the vast majority of federal criminal law should be eliminated too.
If I were in the House, or Senate on the committees investigating the President, I would drag Comey up to testify, and ask one question: "Was the Trump dossier, created by a DNC/Clinton campaign funded group, the primary evidence used to obtain the FISA warrant which resulted in this investigation?" Yes, or no.
Here is something to think about. What if Mueller, and the board of the Clinton Foundation, better known as his special investigators, were appointed to scrub the evidence of Clinton wrongdoing, just in case a Trump appointee went snooping?
Now, the gator hunters. Of course, it was just a metaphor for what is really needed to clean the swamp, and start tagging those gators.
Mr. President (in my best Adam Sandler Cajun Man accent) Here is what you need to do.
Fire any Obama appointee left in the administration. I don't care what office, or department. Tag them!
For those appointees that were converted to career: If they are still under probation. Fire them! If not, rewrite their current job description to say "Look at the wall" Since they don't need much access for that, eliminate any permissions they have. You aren't eliminating their jobs, so no action can be taken.
Stop hiring new employees that will be filling bureaucratic jobs. Because you are slashing regulations, and forcing Congress to write laws, instead of the Executive, you don't need to replace those that retire, or quit, or are "looking at the wall".
By the way, every federal employee knows that their computers, as well as government issued smart devices or cell phones are not private, and are subject to discovery without a warrant. How many would quit, or retire, rather than face penalties for messages that they would rather not become public?
You know, Ann Coulter is right that immigration is still the untouched issue. No DACA period, without a wall (or putting soldiers on the border. A lot of them) And eliminate chain and lottery immigration. By the way, moving soldiers is something the President can do, with no permission at all. When Democrats say no, ask why?
Why do I bring this up? If not obvious, it will be in a moment.
We have seen that the FBI has been thoroughly discredited. To be honest, it started way before Trump, or Comey, or Mueller, or even Obama, or Bush. Of course, Holder, and Lynch, the AGs during the Obama administration set the stage for this disrespect. The media has a hand in this, because while Democrats controlled the administration, the Department of Justice could do no wrong.
Wiretap a reporter? "Who cares, it was FOX?"
Weaponize the IRS? "It was just those Tea Party people anyway."
Put people on a watch list by key words, such as "Constitution", "Patriot", "Liberty"? "It is just those darn rightwing extremists, so, whatever".
Mainstream media "Yawn"
Make no mistake, I personally think the FBI should be disbanded, and have written as such. Of course, the vast majority of federal criminal law should be eliminated too.
If I were in the House, or Senate on the committees investigating the President, I would drag Comey up to testify, and ask one question: "Was the Trump dossier, created by a DNC/Clinton campaign funded group, the primary evidence used to obtain the FISA warrant which resulted in this investigation?" Yes, or no.
Here is something to think about. What if Mueller, and the board of the Clinton Foundation, better known as his special investigators, were appointed to scrub the evidence of Clinton wrongdoing, just in case a Trump appointee went snooping?
Now, the gator hunters. Of course, it was just a metaphor for what is really needed to clean the swamp, and start tagging those gators.
Mr. President (in my best Adam Sandler Cajun Man accent) Here is what you need to do.
Fire any Obama appointee left in the administration. I don't care what office, or department. Tag them!
For those appointees that were converted to career: If they are still under probation. Fire them! If not, rewrite their current job description to say "Look at the wall" Since they don't need much access for that, eliminate any permissions they have. You aren't eliminating their jobs, so no action can be taken.
Stop hiring new employees that will be filling bureaucratic jobs. Because you are slashing regulations, and forcing Congress to write laws, instead of the Executive, you don't need to replace those that retire, or quit, or are "looking at the wall".
By the way, every federal employee knows that their computers, as well as government issued smart devices or cell phones are not private, and are subject to discovery without a warrant. How many would quit, or retire, rather than face penalties for messages that they would rather not become public?
You know, Ann Coulter is right that immigration is still the untouched issue. No DACA period, without a wall (or putting soldiers on the border. A lot of them) And eliminate chain and lottery immigration. By the way, moving soldiers is something the President can do, with no permission at all. When Democrats say no, ask why?
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