
Showing posts from March, 2018

a letter to the speaker

The Honorable Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, I know you are getting a lot of flack right now, and while I may agree with a good deal of it, this is not the purpose of my letter.  I don't understand how you passed this leviathan of a budget.  You,of all people.  But again, not my point here.  I know that if the Senate would eliminate the filibuster, the bills you would send would be far different.  I get it, but here are some ideas about how to minimize risk in the upcoming midterms. Invite your committee chairs to hold hearings on the Democrat's wacko bills.  There would be nothing better than forcing votes in committee and on the floor for some of these things.   How about H.J.Res 19 and 65?   These two proposals to eliminate the Electoral College deserve a hearing.  And especially they deserve votes by those members whose states will be diminished when it comes to Presidential elections.  Think about the possibilitie...

A letter to the GOP voter

Dear GOP voter. I won't go into the details, but I would just say this: Had enough yet?  Wondering why with control of the House and the Senate we are passing the Pelosi-Schumer Bill?  Wondering why, with welfare rolls plummeting, we are increasing spending for assistance?  Wondering why the Wall you demanded, that you elected President Trump specifically to do is not being built?   Why DACA is still a thing, why we are debating eliminating due process for gun owners? I am not.  I did, but not since the 2014 mid term elections. I know, but if you don't vote for GOP, Nancy Pelosi would be Speaker.  Yeah, and?  What, we would have a massive omnibus bill?  Oh, never mind. But McConnell!  you cry.  Yeah, does anyone think that lil' chuckie schumer (D-NY) is going to allow the filibuster to continue?  You don't, do you?  Please tell me you don't.   It will be the first thing that is gone when he gets control...

It's not dysfunction, it's intentional, and that is the problem.

This is a question that I am going to be exploring, mostly because of the studies in my Congress class, but partly because of the strands of thought that have been gathering and bundling together in my mind.  This is not about gun control, it is not about abortion, it is about our system, and that it has been fundamentally jammed. What is it?  How about this as a thought?  First the short version, if you don't want to read the background. Congress is incapable of performing their constitutional function, because the government has departed from its Constitutional footings, thus the dysfunction. C ongress, as written in the Constitution, is wholly incompatible with its role today.  On the surface, one might ask: "It is a democratically elected institution, how can it be incompatible?"  I know, that is a good question.  When the Constitution was ratified, the people were very suspicious about any government, but especially a government far removed fro...

Is it war, then?

So, it finally happened.  The tyrant that had been foretold by most, has reared its ugly head.  Yup.  Well, it isn't like this ever happened before. Right?  or did it? During the Civil War, the president regarded by most as one of the best presidents ever in the US, Abraham Lincoln, suspended Habeas Corpus, or due process.  That tyrant! During WWII, FDR did a similar thing, but it was much more targeted.  Of course, I would mention that FDR is also considered one of the best presidents the US has had.  Ask Japanese Americans how that turned out. You argue, "but that was different, it was war time!"  Is that the best you got?  Because here is the thing. If members of the NRA or other gun owners used the language the left is against them, they would have their guns taken away, and probably charged with assault.  Progressives have elevated the gun debate to a war footing, with the media beating the drum.  Make no mistake, it ...