It's not dysfunction, it's intentional, and that is the problem.

This is a question that I am going to be exploring, mostly because of the studies in my Congress class, but partly because of the strands of thought that have been gathering and bundling together in my mind.  This is not about gun control, it is not about abortion, it is about our system, and that it has been fundamentally jammed.

What is it?  How about this as a thought?  First the short version, if you don't want to read the background.

Congress is incapable of performing their constitutional function, because the government has departed from its Constitutional footings, thus the dysfunction.

Congress, as written in the Constitution, is wholly incompatible with its role today.  On the surface, one might ask: "It is a democratically elected institution, how can it be incompatible?"  I know, that is a good question. 

When the Constitution was ratified, the people were very suspicious about any government, but especially a government far removed from the people, and by removed, I mean distance wise.  A very big distrust.  The Articles of Confederation, which preceded the Constitution, very much reflected that ideal.  The Constitution did as well, with two year terms for the House, and Senators specifically chosen to represent the state governments.  Purposely done to limit the shenanigans inherent in a government separated from the people.  Its responsibilities limited to dealing with international issues primarily, through diplomacy, or militarily.  To protect the citizens from enemies.  In other words, things that most people cared nothing about.

Congress is very unpopular today.  That was the intent.

Over the years and decades, many attempts were made, by Congress, to supersede that authority, to be turned back by various presidents, assuming these bills made it past the Senate.  Presidents pointed out that these bills exceeded the authority of the Constitution, whether they were for interstate roads, or setting aside funds for the mentally ill.  With that, Congress funded the military, diplomacy, and payment for the debt, and other things.  Some even questioned the legitimacy of the Louisiana Purchase by Thomas Jefferson.  Funding for the federal government was from the sale of land, and from tariffs and duties. (general fundraising tariffs, not targeted punitive tariffs that are currently being discussed)

The dawn of the 20th Century brought progressivism into the mainstream of national politics.  From Teddy Roosevelt to President Wilson, and more to follow, many "reforms" to what the federal government did, and how it did it turned the laissez-faire politics of the founders upside down.  The federal government no longer left people alone, indeed it dug very deep into people's lives.  An income tax, prohibition, stripping the states of their representation in DC (17th Amendment direct election of Senators) all to protect people, to give them "rights". 

Funny thing is, every time government steps in, it takes, it never gives.

But back to Congress.  Up until the New Deal, Congress dealt with things in real time.  There were few if any programs that tied future Congresses to what the previous ones had done.  With the introduction of programs that began to provide benefits to individuals, changed the dynamic, significantly.  Now, Congress had to deal with the funding and managing of these programs.  It also had to deal with managing the debt from the Great Depression and WWII.  As more programs were designed to "help" people, more money was needed.  Taxes were created, put into "accounts" to only be spent for whatever program.  Right.

So what are the battles about today?  They aren't what they need to be, reforming entitlement programs that are in deep trouble.  They aren't about reigning in the debt.  They are about turf battles, and trying to fund the basic necessities.  A time when tax cuts are considered spending.  Having to increase entitlement spending during a booming economy so that the military can be funded.  Pathetic.

Members of Congress spend more time raising funds for re-election than they spend doing the work of the people.  They can't even manage the responsibilities before them.

It isn't  partisanship that is making Congress dysfunctional, it is that the federal government has become incompatible with the Congress as it was designed.

Until we acknowledge that, things won't, and can't change.

as always the solution to fix it won't go anywhere in Congress.  I would encourage you to check out the website below.  It is the only way, even though the KS legislature doesn't seem to care.


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