Is taxation theft? #taxationistheft
Collecting more taxes than absolutely necessary is legalized robbery -Calvin Coolidge I like that nuanced description better than the simple taxation = theft. How about another similar quote: Why is it greed when I want to keep more of my money, but it is not greed when you want to keep more of my money? Thomas Sowell. I use the Thomas Sowell quote because that helps to establish the bar for what is necessary. We the People . Is how the Constitution begins. And the purpose? In order to form a more perfect union. How the national government should be structured, with legislative, executive, and judicial branches, and how they interacted, and the checks and balances with each other. Establish Justice, and Insure Domestic Tranquility . When those inalienable rights granted by God are violated, there needs to be a court to adjudicate it. This has been the case probably from the beginning of time, and in the Judeo tradition, before the King...