Swampin' the boat
A few hits tonight.
People say that all the turnover in the Administration is a sign that President Trump doesn't know what he is doing. I would say that there is a learning curve, but that he needs people for certain things, and then moves on.
I sure wish the media would at least point out the same things happened in the Obama Administration. Scott Pruitt has taken a lot of trips, yes, he has flown first class, yes. I don't excuse that, nor do I excuse the charter flights. After all, when you are changing the dynamic of a whole department, there are security issues in-house, as well as abroad. Eco-terrorists are known to not be kind to those that have counter view points, especially when they represent government policy as does Pruitt. Security is much easier that way. Oh, by the way, Obama's EPA Administrators took similar lavish trips, in similar fashion, without a peep from the press. Oh, and the first one, used a pseudo-name to avoid FOIA requests. This from the most transparent administration ever.
Personally, I think that if Pruitt wasn't causing such havoc, we wouldn't be hearing about all of this.
President Trump has ordered Guardsmen to the border. Personally, I think it should be regular Army, and have written the White House to express this. (not that that matters, but it was important enough for me to do that) It is unfortunate that they are relegated to support roles, but that could easily enough be changed, simply by calling the Mexican President, and advising him that the US was putting troops on the border and that anyone approaching the border anywhere but ports of entry would be considered hostile, and that he needed to get the word to his police and military to protect it from their side. No one wants to see a kid lying face down in the Rio Grande, as effective as that would be. ANYONE WOULD BE CONSIDERED HOSTILE. It is that simple. He then notifies congress that he is doing this in accordance with the Constitution, and they can either: recognize that he has that authority, (he does), give him his wall, or, they can try to impeach him. I suspect if you poll the American people, you will find a willingness to secure the border, period. And they are all about what the people want, right?
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it odd to think that they think that law abiding citizens would just turn in their guns if a gun ban was enacted? In a town in Illinois, they have done just that. They have 60 days to turn in their semi auto whatever. Yup, rifle, pistol, shotgun. No compensation. Period. Up to $1,000 a day fine for non compliance. How will they know if you did? Not sure. At least the progressives are being honest now. Except for that weenie at Parkland, that Camera Hogg.
Pretending that he was there, and then talking about receiving a text and riding to the school with his camera, oops. Whatever he is, the one thing he is NOT, is a victim.
Banning is not logistically as possible as they like to think. Written about that before. But they are being more open about wanting to do just that.
In Britain, a 78 year old man has been charged with murder for killing one of two people who broke into his home. Yeah.
Just when the whole crumbs thing dies down, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) goes out and says they are going to completely repeal the tax cut and jobs act that has benefited millions, and will continue to benefit millions in the coming years. She is a gift that keeps on giving.
I am just starting to get into this whole teacher thing. I am not sure what is going on, but I do know that very rarely does anything good come out of a public employee strike. Well, except that I did get a job because of THE strike, back in 1981. Funny, I left college, where I was studying to be a teacher. Now, I am nearing completion of a degree, but not a teaching degree, so that field is not really open, except as a sub. Not sure that is what I want to do.
There can be no fence sitting in the months and years ahead. So many want to just not know. I know, politics have become so divisive that it seems that there can be no reconciliation. The two party system controls the levers of government. Period. I don't subscribe to that system anymore.
Our government has been our choice all along. We hate congress, supposedly, but incumbents have a 90%+ re-election rate. President Trump was a reaction to all that we can't stand about Washington, and yet Washington seems to be beating him, and beating us as a result.
People say that all the turnover in the Administration is a sign that President Trump doesn't know what he is doing. I would say that there is a learning curve, but that he needs people for certain things, and then moves on.
I sure wish the media would at least point out the same things happened in the Obama Administration. Scott Pruitt has taken a lot of trips, yes, he has flown first class, yes. I don't excuse that, nor do I excuse the charter flights. After all, when you are changing the dynamic of a whole department, there are security issues in-house, as well as abroad. Eco-terrorists are known to not be kind to those that have counter view points, especially when they represent government policy as does Pruitt. Security is much easier that way. Oh, by the way, Obama's EPA Administrators took similar lavish trips, in similar fashion, without a peep from the press. Oh, and the first one, used a pseudo-name to avoid FOIA requests. This from the most transparent administration ever.
Personally, I think that if Pruitt wasn't causing such havoc, we wouldn't be hearing about all of this.
President Trump has ordered Guardsmen to the border. Personally, I think it should be regular Army, and have written the White House to express this. (not that that matters, but it was important enough for me to do that) It is unfortunate that they are relegated to support roles, but that could easily enough be changed, simply by calling the Mexican President, and advising him that the US was putting troops on the border and that anyone approaching the border anywhere but ports of entry would be considered hostile, and that he needed to get the word to his police and military to protect it from their side. No one wants to see a kid lying face down in the Rio Grande, as effective as that would be. ANYONE WOULD BE CONSIDERED HOSTILE. It is that simple. He then notifies congress that he is doing this in accordance with the Constitution, and they can either: recognize that he has that authority, (he does), give him his wall, or, they can try to impeach him. I suspect if you poll the American people, you will find a willingness to secure the border, period. And they are all about what the people want, right?
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it odd to think that they think that law abiding citizens would just turn in their guns if a gun ban was enacted? In a town in Illinois, they have done just that. They have 60 days to turn in their semi auto whatever. Yup, rifle, pistol, shotgun. No compensation. Period. Up to $1,000 a day fine for non compliance. How will they know if you did? Not sure. At least the progressives are being honest now. Except for that weenie at Parkland, that Camera Hogg.
Pretending that he was there, and then talking about receiving a text and riding to the school with his camera, oops. Whatever he is, the one thing he is NOT, is a victim.
Banning is not logistically as possible as they like to think. Written about that before. But they are being more open about wanting to do just that.
In Britain, a 78 year old man has been charged with murder for killing one of two people who broke into his home. Yeah.
Just when the whole crumbs thing dies down, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) goes out and says they are going to completely repeal the tax cut and jobs act that has benefited millions, and will continue to benefit millions in the coming years. She is a gift that keeps on giving.
I am just starting to get into this whole teacher thing. I am not sure what is going on, but I do know that very rarely does anything good come out of a public employee strike. Well, except that I did get a job because of THE strike, back in 1981. Funny, I left college, where I was studying to be a teacher. Now, I am nearing completion of a degree, but not a teaching degree, so that field is not really open, except as a sub. Not sure that is what I want to do.
There can be no fence sitting in the months and years ahead. So many want to just not know. I know, politics have become so divisive that it seems that there can be no reconciliation. The two party system controls the levers of government. Period. I don't subscribe to that system anymore.
Our government has been our choice all along. We hate congress, supposedly, but incumbents have a 90%+ re-election rate. President Trump was a reaction to all that we can't stand about Washington, and yet Washington seems to be beating him, and beating us as a result.
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