
Showing posts from May, 2018

Time to dump the GOP. Can I get an Amen?

Well, it was a foregone conclusion, but at least it is on the record. Senator Paul put forward his budget proposal.  For those that have only recently started following politics, this is what the Congress is supposed to do, although it should originate in the House, but it is in the Senate where everything is FUBAR.  (I don't know what that stands for, but I hear it means that it is all screwed up.)  And so, Senator Paul used some Senate rules to get his budget to a vote.  It lost, and of course that was going to happen, but... Do you think your Senator is conservative?  Are you dazzled by their "tea party" lingo when they come around every 6 years looking for your vote?  When was the last time you fell for their load of chataqua?  Me, it was 2014, when they begged for money and talked about "if only we had the Senate" stuff.  yeah, I hopped off at the next station.  Well, actually not,  I couldn't stay on that train another minute....

Smoot Hawley revisited.

First I would like to say that it really sucks that because of the pandemic TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) in the media, I have spent so much effort to defend against these wackos.  There is plenty to criticize, but until the overwhelming, day after day, constant barrage of attacks by the mainstream media (which Rush refers to, correctly in this case, as the Drive By media)  settles down, and they decide to have sane discussions, then even libertarians write in defense of Trump, and I am by no means, the only one.  But there is plenty to talk about, and here goes. Remember in the campaign, when Nabisco announced they were moving their OREO production to Mexico?  And Mr. Trump criticized Nabisco for sending those jobs out of country, and how we need to protect our businesses?  I think I wrote about this when it happened, but here is the thing.  Are wages cheaper in Mexico?  Of course they are, partly because of the taxes, and requirements of the Af...


Of course, the answer is easy.  To paraphrase a cereal commercial.   "silly girl, Scouts are for boys" .  Hey, I am just guessing,  he was from a different generation, but that is probably the mild version.  Let the hate fly.  I don't write for popularity, I am no  secondhander. Hopefully those that do read will keep reading to get an explanation for such a bombastic statement. Of course, the things that Boy Scouts do are not gender/sex specific.  I get it.  I know.  But guess what?  Boy Scouts aren't about the things that are done. The things the Boy Scouts stand for are not gender/sex specific.  I know. I get it.  But guess what? That isn't why Scouts are for boys.  By the way, what are those things? Duty to God ;  Duty to Country ;  Duty to Others ;  Obedience to the Scout Law ;  Physical Fitness ;  Mental Fitness ;  Moral Fitness . Those things they do can be fun, in...