Time to dump the GOP. Can I get an Amen?

Well, it was a foregone conclusion, but at least it is on the record.

Senator Paul put forward his budget proposal.  For those that have only recently started following politics, this is what the Congress is supposed to do, although it should originate in the House, but it is in the Senate where everything is FUBAR.  (I don't know what that stands for, but I hear it means that it is all screwed up.)  And so, Senator Paul used some Senate rules to get his budget to a vote.  It lost, and of course that was going to happen, but...

Do you think your Senator is conservative?  Are you dazzled by their "tea party" lingo when they come around every 6 years looking for your vote?  When was the last time you fell for their load of chataqua?  Me, it was 2014, when they begged for money and talked about "if only we had the Senate" stuff.  yeah, I hopped off at the next station.  Well, actually not,  I couldn't stay on that train another minute.  Luckily I hopped on to the porcupine express.  We will see where it goes, but I will not be riding that other train anymore.

So, Senator Paul (R-KY) introduced his budget, and here it is in a nutshell.  Every year, the federal budget would be reduced by 1%.  That is right a penny from every dollar spent.  Of course this flies in the face of the old baseline budgeting scheme, where a reduction in the automatic increase (but not the overall budget) is considered a slash of the budget.  So that would be a problem.  But, guess what?  It brings the budget into balance in 5 years.  The debt is the number 1 threat to our economy.  By the way, did anyone notice with the tax cuts for the rich how the revenue to the treasury went up, surprising the static model CBO, but no one else?

So the measure was defeated.  76-21.  Now we know that Democrats were all lockstep against it, and this again proves that Chuckie Schumer (D-NY) may not be the brightest leader in the Democrat party.  Why?  What an opportunity for those Red State Democrats up for reelection to vote for fiscal sanity, especially when it had no chance for passage. But no matter, the die was cast.  So, not a single Democrat.  There were 21 heroes that supported it.  And they should be mentioned:

Barasso-WY, Coryn-TX, Crapo-ID, Cruz-TX, Daines-MT, Enzi-WY, Ernst-IA, Fischer-NE, Flake-AZ (what????), Grassley-IA, Johnson-WI, Kennedy-LA (not Chappaquiddick), Lankford-OK, Lee-UT, Moran-KS, Paul-KY, Risch-ID, Rubio-FL, Sasse-NE, Scott-SC, Toomey-PA

Many of these I have blasted for various votes over the years, and while this was a symbolic vote, they voted the way one would expect.  If one or more are your Senators, you should write or call their office and thank them.

Now the Wall of Shame.  Most of these names will not be a surprise, of course.  All "Republicans" on this list (the other party stupidly was unanimous against)

Alexander-TN, Blunt-MO, Boozman-AR, Burr-NC, Capito-WV, Cassidy-LA, Collins-ME, Corker-TN, Cotton-AR, Gardner-CO, Graham-SC, Hatch-UT, Heller-NV, Hoeven-ND, Hyde-Smith-MS, Inhofe-OK, Isakson-GA, McConnell-KY, Murkowski-AK, Perdue-GA, Portman-OH, Roberts-KS, Rounds-SD, Shelby-AL, Sullivan-AK, Thune-SD, Tillis-NC, Wicker-MS, Young-IN  

Yup, more republicans voted for not reining in spending, and blowing up the economy than voted to stop it.  Yes, they can no longer claim even the title of wanting "smaller big government"  When the time to stand came, they supported doing nothing.  I would write and ask "Why?" As in, why, Senator Roberts, did you vote against fiscal sanity?  I guess I will have to do that.

And like I said, it was a show vote.  A show vote, and they sure did.  It is clear cut now.  Where will you stand?  Me, well, as usual, I stand with Rand.


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