
Showing posts from June, 2018

Too many

First, let me start by acknowledging the passing of Dr. Charles Krauthammer.  He was a Pulitzer Prize winning author for the Washington Post, and conservative commentator.  He was a quadriplegic, having suffering an accident in his first year of medical school.  He completed school, and was a psychiatrist before his career as a commentator.  He was often a voice of reason, though not without fault.  He advocated for an activist policy in the Middle East, including the war in Iraq, which in retrospect was a mistake.  Easy to say now, but what most people forget is that EVERYONE thought that Iraq had WMDs, and that was a reason to NOT attack them. Laws know no passion, no emotion.  Justice is indeed blind.  Or should be.  Feelings have no place in the legal system.  But for laws to be effective, they must be few, well defined, and vigorously enforced.  Miss any of those, and the law ceases to be the law, and becomes a tool used by t...

A short opportunity.

The CBO is baffled that there is so much revenue coming in, though taxes were cut, significantly for businesses, and for the lower and middle classes some.  For this purpose alone no one should give any heed to the CBO.  Yes, it is bipartisan, but here is the thing.  The science of economics isn't partisan, or non-partisan.  It is science, and when wealth is created, and expanded, it helps more people.  Contrary to the partisan claims that cutting taxes, both in the 80s and in W's term, hurt revenue, and caused soaring deficits, those claims are not exaggerations, they are OUTRIGHT LIES!   Go look up the data, it is simple.  REVENUE WENT UP . period.  So if revenue went up, then why the deficits?  The S word.  Spending .  Spending exploded during those times, far exceeding the increases in revenue. But if I were advising a Congressman or Senator running for election, or reelection, I would tell them to ask every single media per...