A short opportunity.
The CBO is baffled that there is so much revenue coming in, though taxes were cut, significantly for businesses, and for the lower and middle classes some. For this purpose alone no one should give any heed to the CBO. Yes, it is bipartisan, but here is the thing. The science of economics isn't partisan, or non-partisan. It is science, and when wealth is created, and expanded, it helps more people. Contrary to the partisan claims that cutting taxes, both in the 80s and in W's term, hurt revenue, and caused soaring deficits, those claims are not exaggerations, they are OUTRIGHT LIES! Go look up the data, it is simple. REVENUE WENT UP. period. So if revenue went up, then why the deficits? The S word. Spending. Spending exploded during those times, far exceeding the increases in revenue.
But if I were advising a Congressman or Senator running for election, or reelection, I would tell them to ask every single media person this question: "Why don't you ask the Democrat who pays for the taxes levied on businesses?" This is also so easy to understand. Do Democrats really think that businesses just absorb the cost of the taxes? Are they that stupid? Taxes are an expense, just like labor, materials, and so on. If costs, like taxes, increase for businesses, they pass it on. Or they shut their doors.
Dr. Thomas Sowell, of the Hoover Institute, and noted libertarian economist, was asked why he gave up the Marxism of his youth. He said it was one word: FACTS. Utopia can be presented on a chalkboard, where those 1% will continue to produce at the same level, regardless of whether the tax is 39% like now, or increased to 75% like the Bernie types want. Yup, pay for all sorts of stuff with that, right? Ask the French. A few years back, they did just that. What was the result? Many of the 1% moved to Belgium. Others just pulled back on their production and earnings. What happened with the revenue? It plummeted. So much so, that even the French, and their hard core socialist leanings had to repeal the tax.
When will the GOP learn? I would respectfully disagree with Lou Dobbs, as he harps on those Republicans working on bringing up DACA for debate, and perhaps a vote. Those pushing for it really don't want amnesty, they want to fix the system, AND, more importantly, force the Democrats to vote on something that they would rather have as an issue, than actually fix it. As to Speaker Ryan, I agree 100% with Dobbs on this. He needs to go. Look at the results of the primaries. Those candidates that went with Trump (and by inference against the GOP establishment) won. Usually easily. Ryan is an anti-Trumper, masquerading as being in a truce. He is part of the problem. And he is hurting, not helping the GOP in their campaign to put to rest the whole "party in power loses in the midterms" mantra. Speaking of primaries...
In California, the leading Republican candidate for governor, John Cox, came in 2nd in the primary. Is that a big deal? Bigger than most can imagine. While his chances to win the governorship are not strong right now, his being on the ballot in November is significant. Why? In 2016, when Hillary Clinton won the state by more than 3 million votes, the other statewide election was for the US Senate seat, the seat that Senator Kamala Harris won. That race, because of California's primary system, pitted Democrat against Democrat. (the top two voters in the primary face off in the general) No real reason for Republican voters outside of Republican held Congressional Districts, to vote. A Republican for governor will shore up those GOP held districts, as many are now essentially open seats, due to retirements. Republican voters have a reason to go to the polls. Cox coming in second was the worst thing that could happen to the Democrats, as now the DNC will have to pour scarce money into California to try to take those seats. And...
They are verifying the signatures on the petition to put on the November ballot a proposal to divide the state into 3. If sufficient signatures are verified, which is likely, it will be on the ballot. Who would want to divide themselves from the progressive California state government? Mostly conservative, GOP people. A reason to turn out helps this initiative as well.
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