Battle for the Republic

Could I ever write a post without a history lesson.  Sorry, no.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh was scheduled for a vote by the Judiciary Committee when Senator Diane Feinstein D-CA decided to drop a bomb.  Now mind you, the Democrats had nuked the filibuster back in 2013 for Cabinet Appointments and Judges other than the Supreme Court.  Why those were excepted, I don't know.  As a reminder, it was the Democrats that began using the filibuster for judicial appointments back in Bush 43's presidency.  The Republicans had threatened to do away with that to stop the logjam before, but ol McCain and his gang of 14 decided they weren't going to.  Somehow he was a GOP nominee for President, but I digress.

That is why we are where we are.  The Democrats, not wanting W to have his appointments, decided to take this course.  When the GOP did the same under Obama, (after the first two years, when Obama had a filibuster proof majority) the Democrats decided to just get rid of that tactic. Remember the old days when Republicans would vote for Democrat nominees because they were "well qualified" (the ABA highest rating for judges) like Ruth Buzzi Ginsberg?  Yeah, those were the days.

So now that they can't stop the vote by procedure, they decide to just smear him, and hope that the mere accusation will be enough to stop the process.  Never mind about the person that is the sacrificial lamb, it is necessary.  So, holding on to a letter until AFTER the hearings, when they realize that their freak circus in the Committee was insufficient to stop it, forwarded the letter to the FBI from the, at that point, still anonymous Dr. Ford, alleging sexual improprieties 36 years ago, sometime, somewhere, with someone present, besides, of course, Brett Kavanaugh.  And we thought the freak show in Committee was bad.  We hadn't seen anything yet.

So, when the FBI pointed out that it wasn't their jurisdiction (unlike in the Anita Hill case, with both being federal employees) the "victim" outed herself, and told her story.  A story not told to anyone until 2012, thirty years after the fact.  An accusation with no facts, just the memory of the accuser.  Witnesses that were supposedly there have all sworn statements that they weren't.  No one has been treated like this since Clarence Thomas.  As it appeared that she would have to testify, conditions appeared, poison pills to keep her from being under oath with her story.  No due process for the accused, no outside counsel to ask her questions, and she needed time, time which is running out of the Senate session before the midterms.  It should be obvious to all that the Democrats were trying to run out the clock.  Wonder why?  One reason is obvious, the other, may not be so.

Of course, the Democrats hang everything on the Courts.  Make no mistake, the next Democrat president will add judges to the court, to override the conservative bench.  They need the courts, because by and large, the people of this nation don't like their policies, and need an activist court with an elastic constitution to make it up as they go along.  That was the easy one.  Do you know the other reason?

It has everything to do with the midterm election.  In a midterm with a GOP White House and Congress, the historical pattern has been to lose seats.  It should have been a shoe-in to take the House, and while the Senate may not have been winnable, they certainly could have minimized their losses.  Should have been.  The tax cuts from last year have gotten people off the sidelines and back into the game.  Historic unemployment across the all classes and races, and consumer confidence at an all time high was making that easy victory a little dicey. And the Democrats, as one, voted against it.

Of course, the GOP, consistently the party able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, blew it on their Affordable Care Act repeal debacle.  They also blew it on the spending bill signed earlier this year, blowing the budget so bad that even the increase in GDP that will result from the tax cuts will be insufficient to fill that gap.  Not funding the wall, while funding the genocide at Planned Parenthood didn't help either.  So what does it come down to?

The Democrats hidden agenda on this nomination is to demoralize the deplorables and dregs.  Many conservatives voted for Trump, only because of the Judges he said he would appoint.  We have seen that Trump's coattails are only so long, and when Congress can't do their job, they won't be riding them.  You see?  A supreme court justice, one that would finally replace King Kennedy, being delayed, or denied, will likely keep the GOP voters home.  And when I say GOP voters, I don't refer to just registered Republicans, but deplorable Democrats, and the Dregs of independents, who feel that judicial appointments are important enough to hold their noses and vote GOP.  They must have some polling indicating this is a do or die situation.  I would concur with that.

It comes down to having someone on the court that will judge cases based on a fixed Constitution, and the intent of the founders.  Why do I say that?  If the law is not fixed, then no one knows how to obey the law, or if they are disobeying at any given moment.  If the GOP fails on this, then not only will they not have another opportunity to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court, but all other courts as well, and have much of the work done this past two years dismantled by Democrat majorities in the House and Senate.  They will likely face impeachment of the President, Vice President, and Gorsuch and anyone else they want to rid the nation of.  Unlike the GOP however, they will stick together to do it.  I give them credit for that.  It is too important to them.

Is it important to you?


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