shutdowns are bad...but....
Where there is a will there could be a wall, or fence, or barrier. One of these terms has been used at one time or another as a necessity by nearly every one of the Democrats now preferring to shut down (or let shut down) the government rather than let President Trump have any sort of victory on the wall. Or fence. Or barrier. It really is that simple. Having said that... President Trump has put it all on the table, and what will happen over the next two years will be determined by what happens with the shutdown. Businesses, at least the larger ones don't plan a year ahead, they plan as far into the future as possible. That is why with the new models in retail (think Amazon) have come roaring into the now, the old models have either adapted (Walmart, Target, others), or established a niche market that works under the Amazon cloud, or goes the way of the dinosaur, (K-Mart, and others hanging by a thread). This is why big businesses love...