Liberty at risk.

Comey admitted to Congress that they had not verified the DNC opp-research prior to using it to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.  This is a violation of law, and those involved should be prosecuted for it.  Even more so, any information received as a result of that warrant should be inadmissible in a court of law.  Even more so, this whole circus of Mueller's should be disbanded, and an apology issued to the president, his people, and the American people for having attempted a coup by the DoJ.

So now we know that General Flynn was allowed to feel comfortable in an interview, not knowing fully that lying to the FBI, even in an informal setting is a crime. So, Comey, bastion of integrity, knowing that the first days of an administration are chaotic,arranged a meeting between Flynn and the FBI, with no counsel. Comey admitted that they purposely chose this time so as to not get any crap from the White House Counsel.

But ethics, right?  Trump is horrible, blah blah blah.  Watch for an upcoming detailing some feelings about that.

Did you know that Mueller et al, were also involved in some shenanigans back in the corruption trial for Ted Stevens?  That the DoJ was thrashed by the judge who threw out the convictions against the Senator because of the very same games that his crew are doing today?  Jerome Corsi has filed suit against the feds because they are going to charge him with perjury because he won't testify the way they want him too. (Lying under oath)  Flynn was told he didn't need a lawyer, as it would be a big hassle.   Well guess what?  The same judge that was furious with Mueller as the FBI director for its sham prosecution of Senator Ted Stevens, so mad he appointed a special prosecutor to investigate the investigators, is the same judge that is overseeing the Flynn plea and sentencing.  And guess what?

The paperwork for Flynn's testimony appears to be altered.

But justice, right?

Oh, did I mention the Charlotteville driver?  Convicted of murder in Virginia, recommended life w/o parole, +419 years.  Pretty harsh, right?  Well, apparently not enough.  The feds, with their thought police thugs are potentially swooping in, to bring the death penalty with them.  What crime could be so heinous that his life sentence without parole (+419 years!) isn't enough?  He was a racist.  He hated blacks, thought them inferior.  Far more heinous than murder.  Of course considering that racist! is the go to argument when one doesn't have any other, everyone is racist.  Based on this logic, there are 65 million worthy of death in this country. (okay, only 62,984,000 worthy of the chair)

It is already a crime in Canada to read aloud from the Bible any verse that paints homosexuals in a bad light.  It is becoming a crime to not use someone's preferred pronouns, whatever the heck those are.  It is already a crime here to exercise your freedom to not create for someone for their wedding, or whatever.  Surprise, this is why Senator Goldwater, noted libertarian and GOP nominee for President in 1964, voted against the so called Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Why do I say "so-called"?  Because the Act took away an individual's right to use their property as they see fit.  In other words, take my inalienable right so that someone can have a make believe right.

I know what you are saying:  "See you are a stinking racist".  Go ahead, fry me.  The Bill of Rights was never meant to apply to private citizens.  It is a protection against government.  The Federal government when first ratified, but now applied to local and state governments via the 14th Amendment.  For some idiotic reason some court felt that private citizens had to comply also, via some bogus "public accommodation".   Note to all.  Whenever someone comes "in the name of the public" what they mean is whatever group is victim group of the day.

"But segregated lunch counters" you scream!  Why were they segregated?  Because the owner of the restaurant wanted to keep out probably 50% of the population?  No, it was because of laws, laws implemented by Democrats.  Which was typical.  So many laws were passed by Democrats to keep blacks down.  Minimum wage, Davis-Bacon, Jim Crow.  They all have one thing in common.  The party that passed them.  Sorry, two things.  The other was to keep blacks where they thought they belonged, on the plantation.  Oh, I guess it is no different today, except instead of keeping them in the back of the bus, they are now kept in broken schools, public housing, food stamps, and medicaid (which the state of Oregon, after an exhaustive study, determined was no better than being uninsured)

Forcing someone to serve someone they don't want to doesn't heal, it infects. It is an infection that grows, that festers, and sometimes erupts.  How many times did I hear while working for the government: "I know why they got that job."  Affirmative Action and Enforced Diversity, are two ideals that are fully meant to divide.  They became quota systems, just like they were intended, contrary to what was said at the time.  It is quite possible that organized racism today may not exist and thrive as it does today, had the government's gun not been put to the heads of private citizens.

Would racism have been eliminated otherwise?  Of course not.  Look around the world, race is an issue that divides so many, for no purpose.  There will always be those that hate, using race as an excuse for whatever their woes are.  The Klan came about because of the occupancy of the South by the Union Army.  It was the enforcement then and now that caused this racism to gel and unite.

That would be an interesting study.  Are these the actions of a government that feels you have inalienable right? 


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