shutdowns are bad...but....
Where there is a will there could be a wall, or fence, or barrier. One of these terms has been used at one time or another as a necessity by nearly every one of the Democrats now preferring to shut down (or let shut down) the government rather than let President Trump have any sort of victory on the wall. Or fence. Or barrier. It really is that simple. Having said that...
President Trump has put it all on the table, and what will happen over the next two years will be determined by what happens with the shutdown.
Businesses, at least the larger ones don't plan a year ahead, they plan as far into the future as possible. That is why with the new models in retail (think Amazon) have come roaring into the now, the old models have either adapted (Walmart, Target, others), or established a niche market that works under the Amazon cloud, or goes the way of the dinosaur, (K-Mart, and others hanging by a thread). This is why big businesses love being cozy with the government, they are able to manipulate the future by manipulating the bureaucracies or the legislatures. (Think GE), and when something dramatic upsets that manipulation, bang. The point is, if businesses were not able to plan beyond tomorrow, how would they fare? They wouldn't. Really it is the same with the government. With these shutdowns, too many pieces are thrown up in the air, and land wherever, with no ability to plan for tomorrow, let alone the next year, or 5 years down the road. My old business Air Traffic Control is a great example.
It takes a minimum of 8-12 months from hire to certify at a very basic facility, with other facilities taking as much as 2-3 years. With that environment, it is unacceptable to stop up that pipeline. People have quit their jobs to get hired, and now find themselves without training, or pay. There was a time when being a controller was awesome, and very elite, but with these constant stoppages, it becomes difficult to attract and retain the personnel necessary to meet the goals of the mission. I have no doubt that in other departments it is the same, to various levels. This is tragic.
Like I said to start, nearly everyone involved in this drama has been supportive for a wall, or fence, or barrier of some sort. We hear that it is a waste of money. That the wall doesn't stop those that fly in, or overstay their visas. What it does do, however, is for those who are legitimately seeking asylum, or are coming here to do the jobs "that Americans won't", is to get them sorted coming in to the country.
I used to put a lock on my box at scout camp, and when I was a leader dispensing medication to scouts (with parental permission), I kept a log and the medications locked in my box. But with no meds, there was no lock. Why? My dad told me something that I didn't understand when I was a kid, but do now, that locks keep honest people honest. Applying that to the wall, or fence, or barrier, would be that those that really need to come here, or want to come here, to work, or to seek refuge, will go through the door, rather than break a window.
Up to 40% of those here illegally are those who came legally, and decided to not leave. No wall will stop them. A definite reform of the tracking process needs to happen, and the State Department needs to account to the American people how they lost so many.
Our system is a mess. Are we enforcing laws or not? Should we? Or should we not? Everyone claims to want to fix the system, including the President, but his ability is very limited (as President Obama said more than 27 times before deciding to try to do just that). This is a Congressional issue. Congress has tried to take up this issue under W, and under Obama. For some reason, they refuse to under Trump. Why didn't it work those other times? The American people have learned that the nod nod wink wink of Amnesty now, security later, means Amnesty now, amnesty later. Democrats predominantly, but not exclusively, would never allow a security first bill to go through.
The late Dr. Krauthammer, political commentator, explained how the American people would accept what has to happen, which is some sort of normalization for those already here. That is to secure the borders, whether it is a wall, fence, or barrier on the southern border, and securing our airports and seaports. That would also include a major overhaul or elimination of chain migration, particularly for those who cut in line and are here illegally. Once the people are convinced that immigration has been controlled decisively, they will be more than willing to address the 11-22 million that are here illegally. Until that happens, we will be at a stand still.
Remember in 1988 when H.W. Bush said "read my lips no new taxes"? and then as president caved to the Democrats and they turned around and replayed that line over and over to demoralize the GOP base in 1992. The wall is the same issue for President Trump. Which is why the Democrats are playing hardball. They desperately want to make President Trump have to answer for why there was no wall, or fence, or barrier, during his term in office to date. Anyone that thinks that Chuckie and Nan are doing this because of some principle is full of it (unless that principle is defeating Trump). They certainly don't care about the money, they certainly don't really even care about those that their siren songs have caused to die or suffer in the desert.
With laws in chaos, and no one is sure who is enforcing or not enforcing what, (like every other facet of the legal system) those that come feel that it is more likely than not that they will either be able to enter illegally or claim asylum. They never counted on the US leaning on Mexico to keep them clear of the border. If Mexico does live up to that commitment, then the whole new dynamic of asylum seeking changes. As it does for those trying to get in illegally for nefarious purposes. Those singing the siren song are the ones to blame for any injury or death in the desert.
I didn't even touch on the bogus birthright citizenship, made even worse now because the wealthy of other nations do birth tourism, where they come here pregnant, entertained by the tourism industry, and leave with a child with a US passport.
Congress has screwed around long enough. The President never left DC, (except to go to Iraq) giving at least a photo op of him wanting to deal, (which he said he was willing to do) while Nancy is on a beach in Hawaii savoring the opportunity to again be Speaker. The Congress is AWOL for this shutdown, no matter who is actually to blame. That is too bad, the Federal employees are now pawns in this game, and the future is in doubt for so many. Because Congress couldn't and wouldn't do its job. That could be a big part of why the GOP lost the majority in the House.
President Trump has put it all on the table, and what will happen over the next two years will be determined by what happens with the shutdown.
Businesses, at least the larger ones don't plan a year ahead, they plan as far into the future as possible. That is why with the new models in retail (think Amazon) have come roaring into the now, the old models have either adapted (Walmart, Target, others), or established a niche market that works under the Amazon cloud, or goes the way of the dinosaur, (K-Mart, and others hanging by a thread). This is why big businesses love being cozy with the government, they are able to manipulate the future by manipulating the bureaucracies or the legislatures. (Think GE), and when something dramatic upsets that manipulation, bang. The point is, if businesses were not able to plan beyond tomorrow, how would they fare? They wouldn't. Really it is the same with the government. With these shutdowns, too many pieces are thrown up in the air, and land wherever, with no ability to plan for tomorrow, let alone the next year, or 5 years down the road. My old business Air Traffic Control is a great example.
It takes a minimum of 8-12 months from hire to certify at a very basic facility, with other facilities taking as much as 2-3 years. With that environment, it is unacceptable to stop up that pipeline. People have quit their jobs to get hired, and now find themselves without training, or pay. There was a time when being a controller was awesome, and very elite, but with these constant stoppages, it becomes difficult to attract and retain the personnel necessary to meet the goals of the mission. I have no doubt that in other departments it is the same, to various levels. This is tragic.
Like I said to start, nearly everyone involved in this drama has been supportive for a wall, or fence, or barrier of some sort. We hear that it is a waste of money. That the wall doesn't stop those that fly in, or overstay their visas. What it does do, however, is for those who are legitimately seeking asylum, or are coming here to do the jobs "that Americans won't", is to get them sorted coming in to the country.
I used to put a lock on my box at scout camp, and when I was a leader dispensing medication to scouts (with parental permission), I kept a log and the medications locked in my box. But with no meds, there was no lock. Why? My dad told me something that I didn't understand when I was a kid, but do now, that locks keep honest people honest. Applying that to the wall, or fence, or barrier, would be that those that really need to come here, or want to come here, to work, or to seek refuge, will go through the door, rather than break a window.
Up to 40% of those here illegally are those who came legally, and decided to not leave. No wall will stop them. A definite reform of the tracking process needs to happen, and the State Department needs to account to the American people how they lost so many.
Our system is a mess. Are we enforcing laws or not? Should we? Or should we not? Everyone claims to want to fix the system, including the President, but his ability is very limited (as President Obama said more than 27 times before deciding to try to do just that). This is a Congressional issue. Congress has tried to take up this issue under W, and under Obama. For some reason, they refuse to under Trump. Why didn't it work those other times? The American people have learned that the nod nod wink wink of Amnesty now, security later, means Amnesty now, amnesty later. Democrats predominantly, but not exclusively, would never allow a security first bill to go through.
The late Dr. Krauthammer, political commentator, explained how the American people would accept what has to happen, which is some sort of normalization for those already here. That is to secure the borders, whether it is a wall, fence, or barrier on the southern border, and securing our airports and seaports. That would also include a major overhaul or elimination of chain migration, particularly for those who cut in line and are here illegally. Once the people are convinced that immigration has been controlled decisively, they will be more than willing to address the 11-22 million that are here illegally. Until that happens, we will be at a stand still.
Remember in 1988 when H.W. Bush said "read my lips no new taxes"? and then as president caved to the Democrats and they turned around and replayed that line over and over to demoralize the GOP base in 1992. The wall is the same issue for President Trump. Which is why the Democrats are playing hardball. They desperately want to make President Trump have to answer for why there was no wall, or fence, or barrier, during his term in office to date. Anyone that thinks that Chuckie and Nan are doing this because of some principle is full of it (unless that principle is defeating Trump). They certainly don't care about the money, they certainly don't really even care about those that their siren songs have caused to die or suffer in the desert.
With laws in chaos, and no one is sure who is enforcing or not enforcing what, (like every other facet of the legal system) those that come feel that it is more likely than not that they will either be able to enter illegally or claim asylum. They never counted on the US leaning on Mexico to keep them clear of the border. If Mexico does live up to that commitment, then the whole new dynamic of asylum seeking changes. As it does for those trying to get in illegally for nefarious purposes. Those singing the siren song are the ones to blame for any injury or death in the desert.
I didn't even touch on the bogus birthright citizenship, made even worse now because the wealthy of other nations do birth tourism, where they come here pregnant, entertained by the tourism industry, and leave with a child with a US passport.
Congress has screwed around long enough. The President never left DC, (except to go to Iraq) giving at least a photo op of him wanting to deal, (which he said he was willing to do) while Nancy is on a beach in Hawaii savoring the opportunity to again be Speaker. The Congress is AWOL for this shutdown, no matter who is actually to blame. That is too bad, the Federal employees are now pawns in this game, and the future is in doubt for so many. Because Congress couldn't and wouldn't do its job. That could be a big part of why the GOP lost the majority in the House.
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