
Showing posts from 2019

Time for a Convention, and not of Parties, but States.

A rare post on the Lib. For those that prefer reading, I apologize.  I am not sure why I went to the podcast route, and am rethinking just the one venue, as so few listen, and a few more at least, read the blog.  I am posting my paper for one of my classes  this past semester as it is very timely, and demonstrates the futility of the sane budgetary process in this nation.  Neither party cares about fiscal responsibility, all while a major newspaper of record reports a whistleblower who is leaving The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and giving his opinion of what he thinks is wrong, in that the Church has stored up a fund for adverse times, and that they were illegally dodging taxes.  No doubt there will be an accounting of that, but what is more prudent, spending recklessly in times of plenty?  Or putting aside for times of trouble ahead?  Only you can make that call within yourself, but likely you know the answer.  The only resol...

Comrad Pelosi's show trial, and what it means for you.

As I was finishing my podcast I had an epiphany of sorts.   I was speaking regarding how Madam Secretary, or I mean Comrad Speaker Pelosi was handling the impeachment of the President.  Actually to call it an impeachment is wrong.  Why? Until they vote to begin an Impeachment Inquiry, and allow Due Process for the President, everyone on the President's side, and that means the President, White House staff, members of Congress, and media that are unbiased, or biased towards Trump, should call this what it is: A POLITICAL LYNCHING!  Strong words?  Yes, and they are intentional.  It is an illegal trial right out of Stalin's play book, and of not that, then the Klan's.  They are subpoenaing witnesses, bringing them in to testify behind closed doors.  They then piece together a testimony that fits their narrative, and release it to their PR firm the press.   The idea of a "whistle blower" is ridiculous on its face.  This p...


Okay, so I couldn't wait to talk about impeachment.  Sue me.  It is timely, and while completely bogus, there is some strategy to it. First, a lesson on impeachment.  Impeachment is a tool built in to the Constitution for removing members of the Executive and Judicial Branches of government.  It is the Legislature's check on them.  You know that whole check and balance thing, between the three branches of the government, not the legislature, #AOC.  This is important to remember, because when you hear members of Congress whining about Judges being partisan or whatever, they actually could do something about it.  They won't, but they could.  It starts in the House of Representatives.  They vote on Articles of Impeachment.  Now, what reaches the level of impeachment is not clearly defined, the only definition being "High Crimes and Misdemeanors".  After all, President Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, a felony.  The ...

The intersectional marathon update and taxes.

As predicted in the intersectional marathon (misnamed previously), many of the democrat contenders are dropping out.  It is a little surprising that Joe Biden, the one with the lowest possible intersectional score (white, male, straight) is still in, but he won't be for long.  Age has finally caught up with him, and four years of being out of politics has dulled his edge considerably. Had Biden ran as he has his entire career, he could have pulled away from the wacko crowd that is controlling his party right now.  There are plenty of moderate Democrats that put Trump in office in 2016.  Things like being pro energy, pro-meat, and even a moderation of choice (you know, actually believing that concept of safe legal and rare, rather than "let's kill another black baby" and "it doesn't count until you put it in the car seat to take home from the hospital" wing.  Fauxahontas is still in, and while she is low scoring on the intersectional scale, (straight an...


We all know that when a leftist runs out of argument, we know what is next, right? RACIST!   The end all of arguments.  How do you disprove that you are a racist?  But lately there is a new term that is gaining traction, especially in light of the shooting in El Paso. WHITE NATIONALIST! Now I am supposing that this is to blend the concepts of White Supremacy with nationalism, mix it in with a preconceived notion of national  SOCIALISM (NAZI) and abracadabra, You have an alt right monster.  A White Supremacist Nationalist I suppose.  But to say, use the term white nationalist as interchangeable?  Well, they are trying, I can only surmise, so as to capture those Trump supporters that are NOT racist, but believe in the greatness of the United States, and happen to be white.  They are trying to make all of Trump supporters out as racists.  That is where we are today in the US.  We can't just have differences, we have to be us vs ...

Where do we go as a nation?

Lowering flags is a sign of respect, and while we do show respect for those that were pointlessly massacred by two lunatics, is lowering flags really the best way to do that?  To me that is acquiescing to those that are seeking their moment of glory. Our country is at a crossroads.  On one hand we have people that are so blinded by their hatred of the President that nothing he proposes will be given a hearing.  The president himself said that if he proposed a single payer government funded health care system that the Democrats would be against it, because he was for it.  These that suffer from TDS see no good in the President, and are bipartisan in their hatred. They don't accept the uniqueness that is the United States, or that our culture is better than others.  They look for cracks, they look for problems and highlight them. This wing includes a large number of people that were paid to disrupt his campaign rallies, and supporters of opponents and their supp...

R.I.P. Tea Party 2009-2019

While the Tea Party may continue on in some small grass roots organizations or on some local and state levels, nationally it died.  It never managed to do more than be a nuisance to the federal leviathan, and it has now died a quiet death. Whenever you hear about bipartisan cooperation in DC beware, it usually means massive spending, and spending without paying for it.  The just passed budget resolution hands social spending to the Democrats, defense spending to the GOP, removing the Budget caps from 2011, and caps on deficit spending.  For you dear reader it would be like getting a notice from Capital One saying that you have no limit on your credit card, and as long as you make the minimum payments, that won't change. All the stops have been pulled.  All the while, Social Security is hemorrhaging cash, because of past deficit spending.  Regardless of that spending, contrary to what most believe, in 17 years, if that long, all of those IOUs will be spent, a...