The Salvation Army will not get another penny from me.

 First, some background.

My father did not talk about his service during the Korean War, except about time in Tokyo. He spoke of the American Red Cross selling coffee, and the Salvation Army giving away coffee. He also spoke of how the Red Cross had items for sale, and his buddy found on their table a sweater that he was supposed to have received, but was "lost" in the mail. A homemade sweater. While obviously the Red Cross does immense good, my view of the organization was colored by what my dad had experienced in Korea.

I have always made the point of hitting the kettle multiple times each year during this season. I don't say that to call attention to me, or to say "Look at how generous I am". I have loved the kettles as the Bell Ringers wish all a Merry Christmas, whether you donate or not. Additionally, the donation just goes into a pot, to not be tallied as being from me.

Should say that I HAD made the point of hitting the kettle.

The Salvation Army has bought into the Anti Racism BS of some crackpot called Ibram X Kendi. As it turns out, I have read some of his claptrap as part of a course I had last spring. By simply seeing people as people, you are racist, that is the gist of Anti Racism. If you say " I have never done anything racist" you are a racist. It is lock, stock, and barrel a follow on to the Critical Race Theory that is in the news. The goal of the Army is to get, white donors in particular, to see their inherent racism. Really? 

I am not perfect, and realize that my lack of even knowing any blacks, or African Americans, if you prefer, generated a certain, not mistrust, but lack of understanding, in me. I have tried and continue to try to treat all as I would want to be treated. Period. Granted, as I see myself as not being worth giving the time of day, that isn't a high bar, so rather, I would say that I want to treat all as a child of my Heavenly Father, which all of us are, deserves to be treated, regardless of how I feel about myself. That is a very high bar, and while I know I am not perfect, I know that I have made great strides in this issue.

And what did I think of first reading this article? 

I remembered as a youth when the Salvation Army refused a clothing donation that our group had done, as we did it as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Can you imagine that? I looked past that, based on my dad's feelings, but with this new information, it came back to mind. 

There are other opportunities to share, and we should, such that we can. There is such need, but if I could, I would put this article in the hands of every would be kettle donor, every person that thinks about dropping clothing off or otherwise financially supporting them. I would not call for a boycott, but I do know that the people selling this garbage don't do it for free, so your donations, at least in part, are going to fund it.

Here is the link to the article


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