
Civil Marriage: An Institution whose time has past?

  Abstract              Marriage law is very much in the news. Court rulings have dramatically redefined marital law in the last fifteen years. Even church associations are not immune from this shift. But was it necessary, and is it the way forward? The question researched in this paper is the impact of attempting to codify into law what has traditionally been a religious rite, both on the institution of marriage itself, but on individual liberties as well. The paper will progress through the history of marital law and the rational used to establish those laws. I will demonstrate a cause and effect in redefining marriage and advance some statistics regarding these laws, and conclude with information about how, from a legal view, the traditional definition of marriage can be reinstated. Keywords:  same sex marriage, religious freedom, cohabitation, civil partnerships, redefining marriage Redefining Marriage through the Law? Literature Review: Final Assignment Introduction               

The Brownback Effect, and why Donald Trump and those associated with cannot win in 2024.

 As it stands, Donald Trump is likely to win the Republican nomination for President in 2024. Even Governor Ron DeSantis (FL) likely cannot beat him. He cannot win the general. A bold statement, though if thought about seems perfectly logical. As a reminder, it was when the Republicans in the Senate caved in December of 2015 on an Omnibus Spending Bill (sound familiar?) That on this very blog, it was predicted that not only would Donald Trump win the GOP nomination (The Lib supported at the time, Senator Rand Paul, then Ted Cruz, Gary Johnson (L), before supporting Trump), but that he would win the General Election. Sam Brownback served as an Ambassador in the Trump Administration, after being on the outs in Topeka as Governor. He had successfully been elected to the 2nd District in the House, moved to the Senate when Dole resigned to run for President, then ran as governor. He proposed significant tax cuts, which the state house went along with, but school districts were not prepared

The Salvation Army will not get another penny from me.

 First, some background. My father did not talk about his service during the Korean War, except about time in Tokyo. He spoke of the American Red Cross selling coffee, and the Salvation Army giving away coffee. He also spoke of how the Red Cross had items for sale, and his buddy found on their table a sweater that he was supposed to have received, but was "lost" in the mail. A homemade sweater. While obviously the Red Cross does immense good, my view of the organization was colored by what my dad had experienced in Korea. I have always made the point of hitting the kettle multiple times each year during this season. I don't say that to call attention to me, or to say "Look at how generous I am". I have loved the kettles as the Bell Ringers wish all a Merry Christmas, whether you donate or not. Additionally, the donation just goes into a pot, to not be tallied as being from me. Should say that I HAD made the point of hitting the kettle. The Salvation Army has bou

Civil Rights, and Reynolds. It's not just polygamy anymore.

 I have spoken and written about the Reynolds case,  Reynolds v United States 98 US 145 (1878). While the case turned on polygamy, there is a far greater issue involved. Today we see Twitter and Facebook banning the President of the United States from Tweeting. They have decided, now that the Electoral College issue has been decided, and, to quote Rahm Emmanuel in "not letting a good crisis go to waste" , has used the rioting of a minuscule number of what is likely over a million people protesting the obvious theft of the election, to clamp down on the President, and many other conservatives. Remember, they don't hate Trump, so much as they hate his supporters. If you were in DC to support the President, to them, you were every bit as responsible for the breach of the Capital as those who did it. Period. Reynolds is an interesting case. The case was specifically whether George Reynolds, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (referred to henceforth

Taking any bets?

 As a follow up to the last post. I am going to take my own advice. I can't take the attitudes anymore. The lines are drawn, the trenches are dug. The Cold Civil War has begun.  Even though they won't read this, a warning to those reluctant to take sides: You can't sit it out. I mean you can, but you will become fodder for one side or the other. If you live in an area that is solidly blue or red, you may be able to escape most of the border skirmishes. Not actual armed skirmishes, yet.  It is because so many sit out elections that we are in this predicament. We likely only had about half or so of those eligible to vote in the November election choose to do so. Think about that, no matter which side won, only about a quarter of the population supported that candidate. Every time I think of that, because it is not a new experience, having gone on for decades, I think about those in Iraq, voting for the first time in a truly free election, holding a purple finger in the air, r

Rand showed the way for small business. Is it time to act?

 As Democrats and Republicans in Blue states seek to consolidate power by shutting down small businesses, in the "Name" of COVID prevention, one must ask, is it time? Businesses, small businesses, are fighting against all odds to stay afloat. They are fighting and losing. But these are not impersonal entities, these mom and pop businesses are the lives of those who have built them. They have poured their lives into their businesses, and like any good parent, seeing their kid in the hospital will do anything to keep them alive. They will work themselves to death, just for their child to have one more breath. Those who see this pandemic and feel that it isn't the killer, but capitalism, are cheering the death along. They have nightly fantasies of Cloward and Piven, and the collapse of the economy. What even they need, though, are producers. They need people to continue the fight, to provide the last drop of fuel to propel them forward, even for just one more day. The powers

Questions for the fraud deniers, and why Trump conceding could truly run us past democracy into mob rule.

 He's is making us look foolish internationally we are told.  We look like a third world country we are told.  There is no fraud.   Have you heard or read that?  You would have to be blind and deaf not to have done so.  Does it ring true? Maybe. Should we stop? No WAY NO HOW! So, why shouldn't we? Let me ask some questions?  Answer truthfully, try to not have bias.  I realize that is impossible, as it is for me, but try. The MSM are adamant that there was NO fraud in the 2020 election.  Some are hedging now, but only because to be in that position is idiotic.  Literally. Once President Trump concedes the election, all counts, audits, and investigations into fraud will cease.  There is no point in proceeding.  Should we just assume that fraud is so minimal that it couldn't have an impact on the election? There is currently underway an investigation into what prompted the Russian collusion investigation.  With a Biden win, that investigation will end.  Are you comfortable ass