
Showing posts from July, 2016

Let the games begin

We now have nominees. On the left, we have Hillary Clinton .  She is a hard core leftist, but doesn't sell it well.  In fact , she is probably one of the worst candidates in recent memory to win the nomination.  I mean, compared to Mondale and McGovern, she is a lightweight.  When all you campaign on is "Vote for me so that we can have a woman for President" That says way more than the words.  Her problem is that the far left hate her, because she epitomizes the true soul of the Democrat party, being the pawns of Wall Street. On the, well, I guess right, you have Donald Trump .  He is not to be underestimated in the campaign.  He will always get ratings for whoever has him on, and he doesn't really care whether the coverage is good or bad.  He would probably be better at judges than Hillary, as we know whom she would nominate, and the people suggested by Trump would be any conservative's dream. (Though full disclosure, he did suggest his hard ...

Republicans, their own worst enemy.

So the convention has begun, followed by the DNC's next week. I no longer identify as a Republican, and have told the callers as such, when asking for money.  I fell for them in 2014, and that was the last straw.  It is always just one thing more needed.  Ya Basta! Can I offer some advice to you Republicans?   If you are a member of the party, but not an elected official, it is simple.  While you can vote for whomever you wish, if you want to continue to "be" a Republican, then your support needs to be there.  You can't sit and complain.  Not when the Presidency is at stake. Mary Matalin, a long time GOP consultant and advisor to President H.W. Bush, recently announced that she is switching to the Libertarian party, and supporting Johnson.  That is what one of those people need to do.  You can't sit back and be a party "elder",  diss the nominee, and try to change the rules.  You set the rules.  The candidates followed ...

civil rights for all?

Governor Pence of Indiana has been selected to run with Trump as his VP.  He has appealed to conservatives by signing the Religious Freedom Act in his home state.  A very important swing state, Governor Pence has done many good things, but the selection has eliminated the outsider mantra that Trump has carried.  The President's spokesman pointed out that Pence expanded Medicaid in his state.  They didn't highlight that they were not happy with the expansion, as he attached numerous strings to receive the aid.  I suspect this is just the first salvo from the White House on Pence. Wars and rumors of wars.  Nice, France.  A coup in Turkey.  Trouble in the world.  It was ISIS that completely thwarted any chance of Rand Paul gaining traction.  It will also be trouble for those that would stand for granting the rights of other nations to find their way, meaning Libertarians.  While I believe fully that we should defend our nation, I als...

The Lull before the storm, and the storms in it.

The GOP starts their convention next week.  No doubt there will be protests, probably from the BLM group, ( a DNC funded group, FYI) I have been really trying to think of something to write.  I am really down on the election.  One thing about supporting the Libertarian, is that you don't get your hopes up. A BLM protest converting into an active shooter scenario, with 5 police officers dead, and 7 wounded.  For the most part, police do not go hunting down black men to slay them.  This is just ridiculous, and a race war is brewing. The President, while making noise mourning the police, took the opportunity to blame guns for the violence. He also implied guilt on the part of the police.  At a policeman's funeral.   He has done a lot of damage during his two terms to separate the races, and to breed hatred.  He has also worked very hard to tear down the credibility of law enforcement, trying very hard to pit the people against the police. ...