civil rights for all?

Governor Pence of Indiana has been selected to run with Trump as his VP.  He has appealed to conservatives by signing the Religious Freedom Act in his home state.  A very important swing state, Governor Pence has done many good things, but the selection has eliminated the outsider mantra that Trump has carried.  The President's spokesman pointed out that Pence expanded Medicaid in his state.  They didn't highlight that they were not happy with the expansion, as he attached numerous strings to receive the aid.  I suspect this is just the first salvo from the White House on Pence.

Wars and rumors of wars.  Nice, France.  A coup in Turkey.  Trouble in the world.  It was ISIS that completely thwarted any chance of Rand Paul gaining traction.  It will also be trouble for those that would stand for granting the rights of other nations to find their way, meaning Libertarians.  While I believe fully that we should defend our nation, I also think that we need to maintain a presence in the world.  We do need to stop forcing our ways on others.  We can't just leave, but when we have to borrow money to run the government, we have no business borrowing money to give to other nations.  Especially nations that either hate us, or hate our culture.

Governor Johnson has taken great steps to improve name recognition, maybe even going too far to point out his socially liberal side.  I want to clear something up regarding these social liberals, and where they really stand regarding civil liberties.

Simply put:  If you believe in inalienable rights, or natural rights, you have to be consistent.  This is where both sides are corrupt.

The left
The right to an abortion
The right to gay marriage
The right to use the bathroom of your choice.

The right
Right to bear arms
Right to religious freedom

Anyone that feels that they can stand for abortion, but tries to restrict the arms, does not believe that man has these rights naturally, they believe that government grants them.

The same for the man who speaks of religious freedom but fights gay marriage.

Inalienable rights are not granted by government, they can only be protected by government, or taken away.  It is that simple.

So, no matter who you support, make sure that they are consistent, and TRULY supportive of all rights, not just the ones you like.  I suspect that most do NOT really support the ideal of natural, or inalienable rights.

The FBI has essentially said that Secretary Clinton is not guilty, as she didn't understand the idea of classified information.  Good choice for a nominee.

Senator Sanders gave an endorsement of Clinton, essentially saying that all his bluster about Clinton and her Wall Street connections was just talk.  All the Berners out there now have to either support a Wall Street shill, a reality TV star, or, if they are smart, they will opt for the defender of civil liberties for all, Gary Johnson.

Long Live the Porcupine.  Leave me alone.  Don't tread on anyone.


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