
Showing posts from February, 2017

Bill Nye the psuedo Science guy.

Okay, psuedo may be a little strong, though I suspect it would be easily enough proved.  I watched a video of BNpSG vs Tucker on Fox.  Nope, still don't watch FNC, but still watch clips occasionally. By the way, I keep reading about how Tucker trashes all these people in interviews.  I have watched a few, I won't lie, but am always left saying to myself, "Self, what did I miss, because I don't see how Tucker dominates these people?" Sorry,  Back to BNpSG . As I was watching the interview, I realized something very important.  If you feel that the theology of man made climate change (that is what it is after all, a religion) is not a true religion or science like I do, then we need to address the real desire of their theology.  The depopulation of earth.  Unfortunately, Tucker didn't ask the question, and I think that no one is asking it.  What is that question?  First let me set a few premises. First.  Climate change is the new la...

Yeah, that is why I give money to my church

I wanted to dig in a little about taxes, and some thoughts about them.  I have advocated, and continue to do so to not reform the code, but to ditch it and start from scratch.  Repeal, not reform.  I have written my Senators, and my Congressman, but truthfully, one person, writing a blog that few read can not have an effect on the system.  That is truthfully where we are now. I had a discussion with someone the other day (not family) about the charitable deduction.  They said, essentially, that the only reason people donate to churches and other charities is for the tax break.   Really?  That may speak more about the need for quality education than anything else.  So, I was looking at my tax return for this year, and ran the numbers.  For every dollar that I contributed, I was able to reduce my tax bill by about 15 cents.  In what world does that even make sense?  oh, the same world that thinks the government gives people money ...

Random thoughts

I read this through, and think it is okay.  Am not feeling well, but wanted to put it out. If you didn't catch it, I am linking Rand Paul's take down of John McCain on Sunday.  Rand Paul is standing firm on his positions, introducing an excellent replacement for Obamacare, his refusal to vote for adding to the deficit, and his continued anti-neocon message.  He stands firm for the Constitution when all others are squishes.  Senator Paul will support President Trump when merited, and will call him or anyone out when necessary. Here is a short version of the interview For the full interview: Senator Paul is right, with the President and Senator McCain, it is personal. Replace, not reform.  have you written your Congressman or Senator?  the Tax code that is. General Flynn was cut down by those desiring to keep the Iran deal secret.  This is an extreme p...

Repeal and replace

No, I am not talking about Obamacare, though it applies equally. What I am talking about is the tax code.  There is lots of talk in DC about doing something about taxes, or rates, or something.  Ask a builder whether it is easier to: bulldoze a condemned building and start over,  OR to go in and rehab from foundation to roof.  It would be next to impossible to do SERIOUS reform of the current code.  How many pages? THOUSANDS! It can't be fixed.  Every time that they try to fix it, thousands of words are ADDED .   ADDED .  Not reformed.  Who cares what the rates are if it requires me to either hire a tax specialist or use a website or software to get through my taxes.  Well, okay, I care.   Lower rates AND a simplified code . This is something that all should care about.  That all should write their Congressman and Senator.  Repeal and Replace .  No reform, no fix.  Repeal and Replace. Get rid of the tax...

Whose money is it anyway?

It's that time of year.  You know, when Uncle Sam opens his vaults and sends out millions, or billions of dollars?  You see it on TV by H&R Block, to get your share.  And of course, FREE!  as in tax processing.  I mean, how can you pass on FREE! ? Are you ecstatic about the government GIVING you money?  Or, are you one that is saying "At least a thank you, and maybe some simplification of tax filing is the least you could do for USING MY MONEY INTEREST FREE FOR THE LAST YEAR!" ?  See the difference?  Or maybe you are like me, and "inadvertently" did not have enough withheld, and so tax time is a time to write a check. This lack of understanding is the problem today.  The tax code is tens of thousands of pages.  Calling the IRS helpline only gives you a 75% chance of getting the right answer, with no mercy for you following incorrect advice FROM THEM .  You know what would really cause people to get on the tax reform b...


Under Title 8, Section 1182 of the U.S. Code , the president has authority to use a proclamation to suspend the entry of “any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States [who] would be detrimental to the interests of the United States,” for however long he deems necessary. This provision was included in the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 .   Washington Post. The roll out was a mess, it had to be cleaned up, but at the end of the day, there really isn't a question of authority.  And yet the 9th Circuit just upheld the restraining order stopping the EO.  How did a District Court judge rule this way to begin with?  And even though the 9th is the most overturned circuit in the country (sometimes referred to as the 9th Circus), how could they ignore clear statute to make this ruling? Because they acted according to what Candidate Trump had said, and what was said behind closed doors.  In other words, these "so-called" justices ( I a...

Are the schools still there?

I just drove by the block of Paola schools.  They are still there.  I saw kids outside this afternoon, so it is apparent that they all didn't spontaneously combust at the confirmation of the new Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos.  Based on what I have read, and seen on television, I am shocked that they are still there.  I mean, they are public schools, after all. So today's vote truly was an NEA vs everyone else vote.  How a Senator voted depended on whether they were indentured to the most powerful political group in the country.  The Vice President had to break the tie.  Truly sad.  For more information on who really matters to the NEA (Not children, by the way)  check it out. No matter what I write, it will be taken as an attack on teachers.  It definitely is not.  It has nothing to do with them as individuals.  ...

Do they see the light?

For the record, I disagree with tariffs, generally, though our country was primarily funded by tariffs up until the early 1900s.  Thank you Woodrow Wilson, and the other progressives of the era who changed that.  Not punitive tariffs, or protective tariffs, just a 5 or 10% to fund the government.  Those tariffs were negligible. I have written about how then candidate Trump made much about Nabisco moving OREO production to Mexico.  He didn't acknowledge ONE of the reasons for the move, which is a direct result of tariffs.  Specifically, in Nabisco's case, to the 50% tariff on imported sugar.  There are literally thousands of tariffs in place now. So President Trump floats a balloon about a 20% tax on imported goods from Mexico.  Libertarians, businesses were right to criticize it.  What was surprising was the left also slammed it.  They all recognized that Mexico wouldn't pay that tax.  American consumers would.  And they are...

phony baloney jobs.

President Trump has stepped in it regarding Executive Orders, and probably will continue to make mistakes in this arena.  There are those that will say that is proof positive that someone with no government experience shouldn't be in the Presidency.  They will argue that a knowledge of the bureaucracy, and "how things are done" is required, and that this will doom the Trump Presidency. I disagree. I was a microscopic cog in a bureaucracy that safely conducts thousands of flight operations a day, insuring that millions get from Point A to Point B in the safest manner possible.  I have tremendous respect for those serving in that capacity, or at the point of the spear in other agencies and departments.  They have little say over policy, budget, and rules, and can only work with what they are given. So, why would President Trump, and his people make a mistake like they did?  They didn't trust the career civil servants that do make, implement, and enforc...