phony baloney jobs.
President Trump has stepped in it regarding Executive Orders, and probably will continue to make mistakes in this arena. There are those that will say that is proof positive that someone with no government experience shouldn't be in the Presidency. They will argue that a knowledge of the bureaucracy, and "how things are done" is required, and that this will doom the Trump Presidency.
I disagree.
I was a microscopic cog in a bureaucracy that safely conducts thousands of flight operations a day, insuring that millions get from Point A to Point B in the safest manner possible. I have tremendous respect for those serving in that capacity, or at the point of the spear in other agencies and departments. They have little say over policy, budget, and rules, and can only work with what they are given.
So, why would President Trump, and his people make a mistake like they did? They didn't trust the career civil servants that do make, implement, and enforce policy. This is something that they (the career people) hope you don't understand. Those civil servants, who are nearly impossible to fire, are mostly progressive in their politics. They know that they can go through the motions of serving in their capacity, appearing to attempt to execute the policy of the new administration, all the while with a wink wink, to those with whom they interact, whether domestically or internationally.
I think it is that Trump hasn't played the game that scares them. What if he really means to slash regulation by 75%? Proof is in the poll showing that 25% of Federal workers would leave if Trump became president.
The Federal Government does things that it should never have gotten involved in. And the kicker? The leviathan that is only now appearing, and rearing its head for all to see, should never have been done on a Federal Level. Entitlement spending.
If you break down that beast, you have Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and a host of other programs. No where in the Constitution will you find authorization to take money from some citizens and give it to others. And all of those are just that. Within a few years, there will be no room in the federal budget for things like defense and transportation spending, you know, the things that it could be argued that it should be doing.
As to needs based assistance, out of every federal dollar allocated for those programs (of which there are over an hundred) 15 cents makes it into the hands of the needy. Yes, the cost of administrating welfare is 85%. Just cutting that in half would achieve significant savings. Will it happen? Under an administration run by the establishment of either party, Not ever, or rather, not until there were no funds.
I would rather have President Trump stumble along, making mistakes, hopefully all the while, hacking away at the kind of bureaucratic nonsense I just pointed out.
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