Do they see the light?

For the record, I disagree with tariffs, generally, though our country was primarily funded by tariffs up until the early 1900s.  Thank you Woodrow Wilson, and the other progressives of the era who changed that.  Not punitive tariffs, or protective tariffs, just a 5 or 10% to fund the government.  Those tariffs were negligible.

I have written about how then candidate Trump made much about Nabisco moving OREO production to Mexico.  He didn't acknowledge ONE of the reasons for the move, which is a direct result of tariffs.  Specifically, in Nabisco's case, to the 50% tariff on imported sugar.  There are literally thousands of tariffs in place now.

So President Trump floats a balloon about a 20% tax on imported goods from Mexico.  Libertarians, businesses were right to criticize it.  What was surprising was the left also slammed it.  They all recognized that Mexico wouldn't pay that tax.  American consumers would.  And they are right, not that they need me to say that.  It is simple math and business sense.  Businesses pass on any cost of doing business to their customers.  If you are a lefty, you are starting to get a little queasy right now, because your curly q light bulb is starting to turn on.

You all are right that we would pay Mexico's share of the wall through the increase in the cost of goods.  But if you expand that logic, couldn't the same be said for....

Corporate Income Tax?  (cue climatic music, you are reading it, you choose)

Yes.  It is.  The US has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world.  Can you imagine if you either significantly reduced it, or better still, eliminated it?  Businesses would no longer relocate to Ireland, or fill in the blank tax haven, as we would be the tax haven.  Prices would drop.  Buying power would increase.  What is the problem?

Many of the ultra wealthy really don't pay taxes now.  There are so many loop holes, tax credits, deductions, exemptions etc, that really big business pays little, comparable to their profits.  It is small and medium sized businesses that get killed by the tax rate.  By the way, how about a 50% capital gains tax for those with $5 million or more in wealth?  No, I don't want it.  You know who else wouldn't?  That paragon of "I want to pay more taxes", Warren Buffet.  Guess where his money comes from?  

Bet you wish you didn't use that Corona or Tequila themed meme now, don't you Mr. Progressive?  


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