Random musings
While there is no question that the 22nd Amendment was written so that we would never have another as near King as we had with FDR, it was not passed to prevent him from running for a 5th term. By the time it was considered and sent to the states, FDR was dead. Of course, that is old history, but it seemed to have been dredged up by AOC, who got it wrong. Speaking of getting our Constitution wrong...
Senator Gillibrand, D-NY, and candidate for the Democrat 2020 presidential nomination, said recently that we need to get back to our roots of "one person, one vote". Of course she was referring to the Electoral College, and the need to get rid of it. I mean, it seems to me that the Electoral College was created BY the Founders as part of the Constitution. You see, the Founders understood that leaving the choice of the President to the majority would leave the government at risk of being hijacked by that majority, leaving the minority to be trampled upon. Hmm, sounds like we have nearly arrived. I mean, come on, shouldn't you be aware of that document you took an oath to uphold and defend?
Speaking of the Electoral College, I read an interesting piece on the National Popular Vote movement. I presume it was written by a conservative, even though it expresses support for it. To be clear, I do think it is an end run around the College, but unlike what many conservatives say, the movement is constitutional. It is the death knell for federalism. To explain, it directs the state's electors to vote for whomever receives the majority of votes in the presidential election. The point made was not a bad point, in that in states like the hopefully soon to be #CALEXIT, Republicans and conservatives often don't go to the polls, as their votes don't count in the current system. California was won by Hillary in a landslide. and makes the difference in the popular vote nationally. They had no reason. Even though a Senate seat was on the ballot, as the two top vote recipients in the primary were both Democrats, there was no GOP candidate on the ballot. I could see why they would stay home. By making the vote cumulative nationally, there is a reason for the GOP in states that are as blue as can be to get out and vote. While it cuts both ways, I am not sure that would end the way Democrats would want.
Did I mention that AOC also said that $7 Croissants at the airport mean we should have a $15 minimum wage? Doesn't she understand that that minimum wage would make that $7 croissant a $9 or $10 croissant? Well, she does have a degree in economics? Hmm, maybe she should sue to get her money back. I wonder how much of that $7 is because of taxes in NY.
Coming up in the Supreme Court is the case regarding the 2020 Census. In particular is the question regarding a question on Citizenship. This to me is insane. Why wouldn't we want to know the number of US citizens? What harm is there to an immigrant, illegal or otherwise, to mark "no" on that question? It doesn't ask "are you in the country illegally?" We know what this is about. California, marketed as this wonderful place, is sinking rapidly. This has everything to do with Congressional apportionment, and federal aid.
Talk about income inequality! In CA you have clusters of the richest people in the world, and just a stone's throw away, poverty that would rival any 3rd world country. The education system is now I think 46th out of 50. Did I mention that CA allows all to vote on certain issues, and issues Driver's Licenses to illegal immigrants? And that by so doing you can register to vote? Technically, if you aren't a citizen, you can't vote in the federal elections, but at the DMV are they really checking to make sure those saying they can vote actually can?
In Texas, Senator Ted Cruz, disliked by the Democrats and the establishment GOP beat Robert Francis O'Rourke by some 200,000 votes. Wait, we should probably make that closer to 250,000 as it has been documented that over 50,000 votes were illegally cast. Of course, I shouldn't assume that those voting illegally voted for O'Rourke, but wait, yeah, I can.
The mainstream media is having a field day with President Trump referring to Central American countries as Mexico. I remember them doing that when Obama referred to visiting 57 states, don't you? Yeah, me neither, I was just kidding. And for all of you that lean towards conspiracies, isn't that the number of Islamic states in the world?....
The President is instructing the DoJ to proceed with ditching the ACA through the Democrats preferred legislative forum, the Supreme Court. That court ruled the ACA constitutional because the individual mandate was a tax, and as that tax has been repealed, it can't stand. We will see how Roberts twists this one around, but in the mean time, if the Democrats really cared about the people, they would be introducing legislation to 1. provide care for those with pre-existing conditions, and 2. coverage for kids on their parents' plan until they turn 26. They won't, because they see the president charging forward with this as a political issue for 2020. It is, and to be candid, the GOP blew their opportunity to have soft ACAxit. Thanks to the "Honorable" Senator "I am against the ACA, until legislation might be signed into law" McCain. It will be fun to see how that plays out.
I wish that the President would stop threatening to do something about the border, and just do it. I know that most would consider my thoughts on the border as hardly libertarian, but I would gladly stand with Milton Friedman on this. He did advocate open borders, but because of the leviathan welfare state that we have, it would never work, and we are seeing that first hand. So, to all of you progressives who are welcoming the illegals with embraces and voter registrations, how about this: I will gladly say tear down that wall, if you would say tear down that welfare state. Or we could just mandate e-verify usage nationally, and subject businesses to evaluation on their use of it.
The President needs to act and act now. This is the time to be the alpha male that we all thought he was I agree with Ann Coulter. Put up or shut up. Yes all of DC is arrayed against him, Democrats, Republicans, big business.
Senator Gillibrand, D-NY, and candidate for the Democrat 2020 presidential nomination, said recently that we need to get back to our roots of "one person, one vote". Of course she was referring to the Electoral College, and the need to get rid of it. I mean, it seems to me that the Electoral College was created BY the Founders as part of the Constitution. You see, the Founders understood that leaving the choice of the President to the majority would leave the government at risk of being hijacked by that majority, leaving the minority to be trampled upon. Hmm, sounds like we have nearly arrived. I mean, come on, shouldn't you be aware of that document you took an oath to uphold and defend?
Speaking of the Electoral College, I read an interesting piece on the National Popular Vote movement. I presume it was written by a conservative, even though it expresses support for it. To be clear, I do think it is an end run around the College, but unlike what many conservatives say, the movement is constitutional. It is the death knell for federalism. To explain, it directs the state's electors to vote for whomever receives the majority of votes in the presidential election. The point made was not a bad point, in that in states like the hopefully soon to be #CALEXIT, Republicans and conservatives often don't go to the polls, as their votes don't count in the current system. California was won by Hillary in a landslide. and makes the difference in the popular vote nationally. They had no reason. Even though a Senate seat was on the ballot, as the two top vote recipients in the primary were both Democrats, there was no GOP candidate on the ballot. I could see why they would stay home. By making the vote cumulative nationally, there is a reason for the GOP in states that are as blue as can be to get out and vote. While it cuts both ways, I am not sure that would end the way Democrats would want.
Did I mention that AOC also said that $7 Croissants at the airport mean we should have a $15 minimum wage? Doesn't she understand that that minimum wage would make that $7 croissant a $9 or $10 croissant? Well, she does have a degree in economics? Hmm, maybe she should sue to get her money back. I wonder how much of that $7 is because of taxes in NY.
Coming up in the Supreme Court is the case regarding the 2020 Census. In particular is the question regarding a question on Citizenship. This to me is insane. Why wouldn't we want to know the number of US citizens? What harm is there to an immigrant, illegal or otherwise, to mark "no" on that question? It doesn't ask "are you in the country illegally?" We know what this is about. California, marketed as this wonderful place, is sinking rapidly. This has everything to do with Congressional apportionment, and federal aid.
Talk about income inequality! In CA you have clusters of the richest people in the world, and just a stone's throw away, poverty that would rival any 3rd world country. The education system is now I think 46th out of 50. Did I mention that CA allows all to vote on certain issues, and issues Driver's Licenses to illegal immigrants? And that by so doing you can register to vote? Technically, if you aren't a citizen, you can't vote in the federal elections, but at the DMV are they really checking to make sure those saying they can vote actually can?
In Texas, Senator Ted Cruz, disliked by the Democrats and the establishment GOP beat Robert Francis O'Rourke by some 200,000 votes. Wait, we should probably make that closer to 250,000 as it has been documented that over 50,000 votes were illegally cast. Of course, I shouldn't assume that those voting illegally voted for O'Rourke, but wait, yeah, I can.
The mainstream media is having a field day with President Trump referring to Central American countries as Mexico. I remember them doing that when Obama referred to visiting 57 states, don't you? Yeah, me neither, I was just kidding. And for all of you that lean towards conspiracies, isn't that the number of Islamic states in the world?....
The President is instructing the DoJ to proceed with ditching the ACA through the Democrats preferred legislative forum, the Supreme Court. That court ruled the ACA constitutional because the individual mandate was a tax, and as that tax has been repealed, it can't stand. We will see how Roberts twists this one around, but in the mean time, if the Democrats really cared about the people, they would be introducing legislation to 1. provide care for those with pre-existing conditions, and 2. coverage for kids on their parents' plan until they turn 26. They won't, because they see the president charging forward with this as a political issue for 2020. It is, and to be candid, the GOP blew their opportunity to have soft ACAxit. Thanks to the "Honorable" Senator "I am against the ACA, until legislation might be signed into law" McCain. It will be fun to see how that plays out.
I wish that the President would stop threatening to do something about the border, and just do it. I know that most would consider my thoughts on the border as hardly libertarian, but I would gladly stand with Milton Friedman on this. He did advocate open borders, but because of the leviathan welfare state that we have, it would never work, and we are seeing that first hand. So, to all of you progressives who are welcoming the illegals with embraces and voter registrations, how about this: I will gladly say tear down that wall, if you would say tear down that welfare state. Or we could just mandate e-verify usage nationally, and subject businesses to evaluation on their use of it.
The President needs to act and act now. This is the time to be the alpha male that we all thought he was I agree with Ann Coulter. Put up or shut up. Yes all of DC is arrayed against him, Democrats, Republicans, big business.
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