Senator Paul 1 Big government senators 0

It is short lived, but we can be grateful for the effort that Senator Paul and Senator Wyden (D, OR) have put in to protect our freedom.  Other senators were involved, but I highlight the two, who on many issues couldn't be further apart.

The Patriot Act was passed in a short amount of time after 9/11 to "do something".  It was also passed with sunset windows to allow for adjustments when not in the heat of battle.  I only add this, because there are other things coming up, which demand to be noticed.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was also created after 9/11 to beef up security at airports.  We were told that contract security was insufficient.  We were told that it needed to be nationalized for continuity.  We were told lie after lie.  Why was it a lie?

It is easy, and we look back with the colored vision of having seen airliners crash into buildings.  We say; "How did we let people on airplanes with boxcutters?  No wonder we needed to change how we were doing things."  The thing is; THERE WAS NO PROHIBITION AGAINST KNIVES BEFORE 9/11!!!!!  That is right.  The contract security screeners did their jobs.  President Bush insisted that as this was a national security issue that there would be no collective bargaining, that there job security should be based on doing their job.  When President Obama was elected, he allowed the TSA to be unionized.  Now instead of having individual contractors to the airports throughout the country being subject to job performance, we now have screeners who make fun of the images, rifle through and steal items from baggage, and most of all.....(drum roll here)

In a recent test of the TSA at airports throughout the country, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) found that out of 20 opportunities to catch a "bad guy" with explosives, they only missed,,,,,  17.  That is right, 3 out of 20 were caught, and that doesn't include one that was flagged by the metal detector, individually scanned by a TSA agent AND allowed to proceed through the check point.
DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said he would do something.  What the secretary should do is resign.  He has already admitted under oath that he can't/won't do his job, he has forgotten that he swore an oath to uphold the law of the land and the constitution, not the edicts of the President.  Allowing his agents to be punished if they follow the law, rather than a court stayed proclamation from the President.

I am not saying that contract screeners would have done any better than the TSA.  I am definitely NOT saying that.  I am saying, however, that there would more likely be changes made if they were contractors.

The problem, is what I touched on regarding the secretary.  The rule of law is being eroded constantly in the name of civil rights, in the name of "I didn't know" (remember when ignorance of the law was no excuse?) or, my favorite,  Everyone does it.  When there are so many regulations (non-legislated law) that most people are probably breaking this law, or that one, how can anyone know?  With no rule of law, property rights become a relic of history.  That is a whole other issue.


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