No gay marriage discussion today.  This is going to be a rant about immigration, and what is happening.

First, if any politician says that "we need new laws because our system is broken",  you need to call them out for being an outright LIAR.  Maybe before we say we need new laws, we should enforce the law as it is written.  I know, for many that is unacceptable.  Enforce laws?  Insane.

Remember that, when there is a push for new legislation regarding immigration.  No respect for current law, no attempt to enforce current law.  Why would a new law be more likely to be enforced?  It won't.

Before you write me off as a right wing crank regarding immigration,  I am not.  I realize that it is unrealistic to deport between 11 and 30 million illegals.  In fact, I argued in a paper that what we need is to issue IDs after passing back ground checks, and letting  them go where they may.  Enforce the law on employers.  That is where a major problem with immigration lies.  So,  Here is my solution.  Will it happen?  Not likely.  Will it work?  Absolutely.

Militarize the border.  One of the VERY FEW constitutionally mandated responsibilities of the federal government is to... SECURE THE BORDER!!!  Will that make the Mexicans happy?  Probably not.  Why have army posts in Kansas, Oklahoma, etc?  The Indian Wars are long over, Move those troops in mass to the border.  Build a fence, and enforce it at gun point.  Is that humane?  If people are aware we are doing that, what is the likelihood that people will try to sneak across, especially in conjunction with a liberal crossing policy?  More humane than allowing coyotes to smuggle people across the border.  At the end of the day, once the border is sealed to illegal crossings, the illegals currently residing here can be addressed.

Sanctuary cities.  These are in the news right now, and rightly so.  It is against federal law to not cooperate with federal officials regarding illegal immigrants.  The current policy is to ignore that law (more of that broken system thing)  That is a real easy solution.  Shut off federal aid to cities that stand as beacons to illegals.  And when I say shut off, I mean it.  No road money, no school money, no medicaid or other assistance.  I wonder how long they will ride that? (Greece anyone?)

One more comment on sanctuary cities.  I can't take credit for the idea, but it is brilliant.  Can a city or state proclaim itself a sanctuary city or state from same sex marriage?  Yes it violates a make believe right, (for clarification, I don't think marriage of any kind is a right) but since it is a legal issue, wouldn't it be the same as defying the feds on immigration?  Of course they could make it legit by simply eliminating statute language regarding marriage.  Sorry, couldn't resist the one comment.  As an opinion, I think the feds would probably come after any state that eliminated marital language from statute.

No comments on politicians here.  It is not worth it.  At least not now.  If you enforce the ID proposal at work places, the illegal problem will fix itself.  Anyone not a citizen with no ID?  Shut the business down.  This will benefit the unskilled citizens of this country, as it levels the playing field with no benefit to hiring under the table.


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