
Showing posts from August, 2015

As if the genocide of abortion wasn't enough.

Before beginning, I want to write about birth control.  Birth control is a deeply personal decision.  Many churches discourage contraception, including the church that I belong to.  Having said that, it is a personal decision, and this post is not intended to judge that personal decision.  I stress that.  A personal decision, not encouraged by others, or pressured to make. Some have argued that Margaret Sanger was in the past, and that Planned Parenthood (PP) is not the same as it was when she founded it.  Well, for those that have said that, let me cut and paste right off of their website: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, is one of the movement's great heroes. Sanger's early efforts remain the hallmark of Planned Parenthood's mission  Really now, is any more writing even necessary?  Their award is named after her.  Politicians, media professionals, judges (no shock), have received this award.  If one is proud to...

A voice in the urban wilderness. Dr. Ben Carson

Disclaimer to start with, and move on.  I am not a Dr. Carson supporter.  If you are one of the two or three that read this, you know full well that I stand with Rand, or Dr. Paul.  Dr. Paul has taken a different approach to the black community, as he is not black.  There are few on the political landscape that can speak first hand about the problems of black america more than Dr. Carson. Dr. Carson, as we know, or should know, is the former head of pediatric neurosurgery at John's Hopkins hospital.  What you may not know is that he grew up as a son of a single mother, his father having died when he was eight years old.  He had a violent temper, which is very hard to imagine if you have heard his soft spoken demeanor.   He was involved in an attempted knife attack in ninth grade the result of  which was instrumental in turning his life around.  He began to be very studious, and ultimately had offers to West Point.  he went to Yale, and...

Dems show their true colors.

If I were a Republican candidate for President, or involved in the political process in a formal capacity, I would be pointing out some very uncomfortable facts to the black community.  Simply: 1. I would point out that the Democratic party, which has a lock on about 90+% of the black vote, pays lip service to the group, but in reality use them simply for votes.  They are getting votes in exchange for food, shelter, health care.  Hmmm that sounds a lot like the antebellum Democrat party, you know, the former Confederate States of America, and the Klan loving post civil war party as well. (Until 1965, when seeing their union base at its peak start to decline, turned to those they despised just years before)  Using them for a purpose, keeping them locked in poverty by encouraging broken families, entitlement, joblessness, despair, crime, and of course, we can't forget their secret weapon, abortion. 2. That the Democrat Party encourages illegal immigration and amnes...

The Trump has a plan, and thoughts on Calvin Coolidge.

Donald Trump expressed a view point today that seems very controversial on the surface.   In fact, there are many false interpretations of the 14th amendment that can all be traced back, not to the amendment, but to a footnote on a Supreme Court ruling.  Here is the relevant part from the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside." In US vs Wong Kim Ark, an interpretive footnote was added using English Common Law as a reference.  In defiance of the intent of the writers. (shocking, I know) the court determined that by simply being born in the US was enough to be a citizen, take that and then compare what Rep John Bingham-OH, who wrote the amendment, said about the introduction: "I find no fault with the introductory clause, which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that every human being ...

Which way?

Donald Trump has struck a chord with the American people.  Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, it is true.  He is not my fave, and pretty sure I wouldn't vote for him, but if the choice was Bush, Clinton, or Trump, I would probably vote Trump, as, if nothing else, he is anti Washington Cartel.  (Cruz's word,  love it!) Rand Paul was the only person to stand up for the Constitution in the debate Thursday night.  He has been hammered by the Beltway press for what they considered a weak performance.  I don't have rose colored glasses here, but also know that if the commentators, most of whom are establishment government types, are against you, then maybe you were successful.  Of course spin is everything when it comes to cash, and people won't support a someone perceived to be a loser.  Paul has a legit plan for the tax code, and he understands that trading freedom for the perception of security (usually all it is, just an image), gives you ne...

Random Thoughts.

I know, a used title.  Lots of views from the BSA piece, thanks for that.  Not much movement on that.  Lots of things happening, Rather than get deeply wrapped up on individual items, thought I may just provide some quick hits. With the evidence of Planned Parenthood's body shop so strong that they have had to resort to a judge to get relief, the Republicans in the Senate are not able to gather enough votes to overcome Planned Parenthood's minions to strip funding.  This concerns me mostly as a statement that no matter how heinous the bureaucracy that is being funded, there are those who snap their fingers, and it will be preserved.  Even a hard core libertarian president, such as Ron Paul, (not Rand, but the hard core version) would struggle to get congress to do anything to cut the legions in DC. Ultimately, it would require a President to essentially ignore Congress, and veto everything, and when that doesn't work, would probably have to do those ...