A voice in the urban wilderness. Dr. Ben Carson

Disclaimer to start with, and move on.  I am not a Dr. Carson supporter.  If you are one of the two or three that read this, you know full well that I stand with Rand, or Dr. Paul.  Dr. Paul has taken a different approach to the black community, as he is not black.  There are few on the political landscape that can speak first hand about the problems of black america more than Dr. Carson.

Dr. Carson, as we know, or should know, is the former head of pediatric neurosurgery at John's Hopkins hospital.  What you may not know is that he grew up as a son of a single mother, his father having died when he was eight years old.  He had a violent temper, which is very hard to imagine if you have heard his soft spoken demeanor.   He was involved in an attempted knife attack in ninth grade the result of  which was instrumental in turning his life around.  He began to be very studious, and ultimately had offers to West Point.  he went to Yale, and then University of Michigan Medical School.

He lowered the boom on the Black Lives Matters movement. in an article today.  It is a very good read, and it speaks truth.  I would encourage all to read it.

Regardless of whom you support, or even which party, the Republican primary process has become energized due to candidates like Trump, and Carson.  Establishment candidates are having to articulate, and defend their positions, and are coming up short.  Conservative candidates are sensing where the American people are, and are exploring positions that perhaps are more politically viable than Trump's.  Bottom line;  money is critical to an election, and may make the difference, but any candidate the GOP nominates, if they are not saying "Build the wall", they will lose.  Period.  It doesn't matter which socialist is running, (the brave acknowledged one, or the closet socialists.)  Of course an alternative to the wall is to rip off the enslaving chains of entitlement to liberate not only immigrants, but native born who don't even realize they are wearing chains.

Here is the link:



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