Dems show their true colors.
If I were a Republican candidate for President, or involved in the political process in a formal capacity, I would be pointing out some very uncomfortable facts to the black community. Simply:
1. I would point out that the Democratic party, which has a lock on about 90+% of the black vote, pays lip service to the group, but in reality use them simply for votes. They are getting votes in exchange for food, shelter, health care. Hmmm that sounds a lot like the antebellum Democrat party, you know, the former Confederate States of America, and the Klan loving post civil war party as well. (Until 1965, when seeing their union base at its peak start to decline, turned to those they despised just years before) Using them for a purpose, keeping them locked in poverty by encouraging broken families, entitlement, joblessness, despair, crime, and of course, we can't forget their secret weapon, abortion.
2. That the Democrat Party encourages illegal immigration and amnesty by bringing in a new base of voters. What does illegal immigration do for the black, and poor communities? It suppresses wages, it reduces job availability, (see #1), and it creates a whole new class of people that can't survive without the Democratic party. By the way, the establishment Republican party sees the cheap labor, and makes believe that the traditionally conservative family style of the hispanic people will translate in to votes. Note to GOP. If Romney had won 72% of the hispanic vote, he would still have lost.
3. As blacks have been replaced by hispanics as the largest minority, their needs will become less and less important to the Democrat party, and will be cast to the side. It appears to me that perhaps the hopelessness that the black community feels is what has exacerbated the breakout of riots in traditionally black cities. Hopelessness because their usefulness politically has reached an end and they sense that no one cares.
4. And finally, point out that someone who thinks you can't do anything without their help doesn't think much of you as a race. Yes, one hundred and fifty years ago, many ancestors of modern day blacks were slaves, but blacks as a people, are in many ways worse off now than before the civil rights movements of the 50s and 60s. Families were together, crime in their communities was low. And do you really think that racism is more rampant now than at the turn of the 20th Century?
But how does a party which has been mistaken as the party of the rich, reach out to a group that feels is hated by them? Perhaps emphasize that the war of poverty has gone on for fifty years, and nothing has changed for the people that were supposed to be helped? Point out that the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK, as well as separate but equal might not be sincere at helping them. That is nice, but won't cut it. So, real world?
End another war, the war on drugs, or at least rewrite the drug laws, (personally I think that it should be a state issue) Release the nonviolent convicted of the now repealed federal drug laws. Help to rehabilitate those convicted, focusing on basic education. Releasing a bunch of people who can't read, or understand how to apply for a job is not a solution. There is a candidate that is working actively on this issue. I won't say who, but lets just say that I stand with....
Allow school choice. Many say that it would be the end of public schools. If a public school can't compete for the same dollars as a private school, then they shouldn't exist. Allow school districts to use dollars in the best way possible. No country, accounting for per capita income, spends nearly as much as the US on education. Throwing money at schools without accountability gives us today's schools. By saying this, I mean no disrespect to the probably millions of teachers who are trying their best under impossible circumstances to do their jobs. They aren't the problem, directly.
Eliminate the minimum wage. Little known fact, the minimum wage was passed into law by the FDR administration and the Democrat dominated congress to deny jobs to blacks. Forcing companies to pay the "prevailing wage" kept blacks from competing. Also little known fact. Before the minimum wage, black teen unemployment was lower than white teen unemployment, during the peak of Jim Crow and separate but equal. Also, with no minimum wage, you eliminate the advantage of hiring under the table for cash. Lots of benefits for everyone. Will wages drop? Doubt it, many employers pay more for their own reasons anyway.
A little lengthy, but hopefully digestible.
1. I would point out that the Democratic party, which has a lock on about 90+% of the black vote, pays lip service to the group, but in reality use them simply for votes. They are getting votes in exchange for food, shelter, health care. Hmmm that sounds a lot like the antebellum Democrat party, you know, the former Confederate States of America, and the Klan loving post civil war party as well. (Until 1965, when seeing their union base at its peak start to decline, turned to those they despised just years before) Using them for a purpose, keeping them locked in poverty by encouraging broken families, entitlement, joblessness, despair, crime, and of course, we can't forget their secret weapon, abortion.
2. That the Democrat Party encourages illegal immigration and amnesty by bringing in a new base of voters. What does illegal immigration do for the black, and poor communities? It suppresses wages, it reduces job availability, (see #1), and it creates a whole new class of people that can't survive without the Democratic party. By the way, the establishment Republican party sees the cheap labor, and makes believe that the traditionally conservative family style of the hispanic people will translate in to votes. Note to GOP. If Romney had won 72% of the hispanic vote, he would still have lost.
3. As blacks have been replaced by hispanics as the largest minority, their needs will become less and less important to the Democrat party, and will be cast to the side. It appears to me that perhaps the hopelessness that the black community feels is what has exacerbated the breakout of riots in traditionally black cities. Hopelessness because their usefulness politically has reached an end and they sense that no one cares.
4. And finally, point out that someone who thinks you can't do anything without their help doesn't think much of you as a race. Yes, one hundred and fifty years ago, many ancestors of modern day blacks were slaves, but blacks as a people, are in many ways worse off now than before the civil rights movements of the 50s and 60s. Families were together, crime in their communities was low. And do you really think that racism is more rampant now than at the turn of the 20th Century?
But how does a party which has been mistaken as the party of the rich, reach out to a group that feels is hated by them? Perhaps emphasize that the war of poverty has gone on for fifty years, and nothing has changed for the people that were supposed to be helped? Point out that the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK, as well as separate but equal might not be sincere at helping them. That is nice, but won't cut it. So, real world?
End another war, the war on drugs, or at least rewrite the drug laws, (personally I think that it should be a state issue) Release the nonviolent convicted of the now repealed federal drug laws. Help to rehabilitate those convicted, focusing on basic education. Releasing a bunch of people who can't read, or understand how to apply for a job is not a solution. There is a candidate that is working actively on this issue. I won't say who, but lets just say that I stand with....
Allow school choice. Many say that it would be the end of public schools. If a public school can't compete for the same dollars as a private school, then they shouldn't exist. Allow school districts to use dollars in the best way possible. No country, accounting for per capita income, spends nearly as much as the US on education. Throwing money at schools without accountability gives us today's schools. By saying this, I mean no disrespect to the probably millions of teachers who are trying their best under impossible circumstances to do their jobs. They aren't the problem, directly.
Eliminate the minimum wage. Little known fact, the minimum wage was passed into law by the FDR administration and the Democrat dominated congress to deny jobs to blacks. Forcing companies to pay the "prevailing wage" kept blacks from competing. Also little known fact. Before the minimum wage, black teen unemployment was lower than white teen unemployment, during the peak of Jim Crow and separate but equal. Also, with no minimum wage, you eliminate the advantage of hiring under the table for cash. Lots of benefits for everyone. Will wages drop? Doubt it, many employers pay more for their own reasons anyway.
A little lengthy, but hopefully digestible.
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