"Bread so French it must be liberated"

I love the quote, but truth is, it isn't mine.  Your local neighborhood Jimmy John's probably has the sign on their wall.  They may have to rethink that.

France's president has certainly read the tea leaves, and has commenced operations at long last against ISIS.  His country was attacked, twice by radical islamic terrorists, and is finally responding.  Not because it is in his nature, he is a socialist after all, but because he has recognized that politically it could become troublesome.  He is too late.

Over the weekend, the National Front, the right wing, nationalistic, anti EU, anti immigration party, had significant wins in the regional elections in France.  A party which up to this point has been significantly marginalized won big.  While it is possible, and even likely that now that the field has narrowed many may choose to vote for the center right conservative party, the damage has been done, and if the conservatives win, they will probably reach out to Marine Le Pen (the leader of the National Front) to make a coalition throwing the socialists out.  We will see, but I would like to remind all of you a couple of things.

The Likud won an outright majority in the last Israeli election, even though few predicted it, indeed, the political class had decided that the best Netanyahu could expect was to create a coalition with the middle to stay in power.  Nope. He just won it.

In Great Britain, even though the Tories are not popular, apparently, Labour is less so.  Even though political consensus again was that the Tories could not win outright, guess what?  The Tories, campaigning with a promise to bring a referendum against the EU, so as to slow or stop massive immigration, won.

And now France.

As we look to 2016, it is more important than ever to pay attention, but do your own research, the pundits that predict have had a bad year.

Here is what I see:

The Democrats

Hillary Clinton-If she had had good advisors, she would have come clean on Benghazi, she would have renounced the reset policies and outed the President for the Marxist he appears to be.  It is against her nature, though, as she wants the same thing, so she would have been like Mitt Romney in 2012, refusing to denounce Romneycare in MA as the failure it is.  He had no credibility challenging the President on the Affordable Care Act, and people stayed home.  Pending actual charges, she will be the nominee.

Senator Sanders, I-VT, Won't win the nomination unless criminal charges are actually brought against Hillary.  He isn't even a registered Democrat.  He proudly wears his Democratic Socialist badge.  I will give him credit for that.  Ask him about his 60% across the board income tax plan.  Why do I mention that?  He loves talking about Denmark, and their socialist nation, and how everything is free.  No, that 60% rate goes all the way through the middle class.  With the huge wave of refugees, there is already talk of change.  Their plan only works when most people are working, not living off the government because they can't speak Danish,.

I know, Governor O'Malley of Maryland is running also, but no chance,  He couldn't even get his hand picked successor elected in deep blue Maryland.  Is their bench really that shallow?  After the shellacking that their party has taken on the state level in the last 7 years, could be.

The Republicans

Donald Trump- I am still not convinced that he is in it to win it.  I suspect that if there is a candidate that will, if not fully espouse his policies, then adapt them to realsville, I think he will get out.  As evidenced in Israel, Great Britain, and France, there is a massive underlying support for what Mr. Trump is selling, and I suspect he could win, if he wanted.

Dr. Ben Carson.  I think his turn in the spotlight is over for now.  He is an extremely moral man that has been run through all sorts of CHQ that the current President never had to face.  Perhaps a VP selection?

Senator Ted Cruz, R-TX, No one could touch him in a one on one debate. He has argued before the US Supreme Court several times.  He is, if not THE most, then one of the most, intelligent people running.  He has endorsed the need for border security, and has recognized the true threat of these radical islamic terrorists to the world.

Dr. Senator Rand Paul, R-TN,  My favorite, but in reality no chance of winning.  He has however brought several issues to the forefront, and oddly enough his argument regarding Sen. Cruz's position in the Senate has actually made me feel that Sen Cruz would probably be a great President rather than Senator.  Senator Paul stands firm on the Constitution, which he has often stood with Cruz on principles.  He is not necessarily dovish, but he does insist the Constitution be followed regarding war, and privacy issues.  Could you imagine a Ron Paul as Sec Treasury under either Cruz or Paul?

Carly Fiorina,  She speaks so well, she is an outsider that has taken on the Hitler wannabes at Planned Parenthood. She is knowledgeable on foreign policy, and she would take away the first woman in the White House argument away from Hillary.  Probably a likely strong consideration for VP like Carson.

That is it for the outsiders.  Yes, I include both Paul and Cruz in that group.  There is a whole group of establishment candidates running.  Kasich, Gov R-OH, Christie Gov R-NJ, Sen. Graham, ? SC, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, and who knows who else, oh wait . Jeb!.  None have a chance, and if the party tries to run roughshod over the electorate again, well, it will be Hillary.

Senator Marco Rubio R-FL  Make no mistake, he is an establishment candidate.  He will toe the party line always.  He does have good sound bites, the problem is that he sold us out with the Gang of Eight Amnesty.  If you want truly smaller government, pick one from the top list of GOP.

Remember Israel, Remember Great Britain. Remember France.  It is getting to be a very dangerous world, and people are late coming to the Caliphate game, but the people, those whose jobs have been either outsourced to a foreign land, or insourced to foreign workers here see what is happening, and are in play for which ever party will support them.  This country still has a slim majority of producers to looter ratio, (Think Reagan Democrats, you know clinging to God and guns.) If they show up at the polls, it is over for the Democrats.  If a Jeb! or one of those other establishment guys is on the ballot, then well...


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