No. Look over there! Shiny stuff!

There are so many things to write about, and I can't really sort them out.  I did want to mention that even though the Media would have you believe that prayers do no good, or rather it is too late, I would say that prayer works, not only as a cathartic action, but that I believe that God does hear and answer prayers. My prayers support the families that were devastated by these terrorists.  I won't say that they are jihadists, the evidence isn't there yet.  Yes, they are Muslim, and that wasn't immediately released, which may be a clue in and of itself, but I will be fair and leave it at that.

So, we have a Presidential candidate that I don't support, and not sure that I could ever support, even against Hillary.  He thinks that we should go spy on all mosques in the United States.  He also thinks that we should back off on the acceptance of refugees.  I do agree with that.  We have too many Americans that aren't working, possibly due, in part, to the flood of low skilled labor from immigration regardless of whether it is legal or not. Too many on assistance.  To add to those numbers is fiscally foolish.  If we didn't have the government plantation, then I would say that we should vet them and if they want to come and become Americans, learn English, and make it on their own without assistance, then lets go.

The Donald wants to spy on Mosques.  We can have that discussion, but really, the government doesn't have any business interfering with religion.  I think that we do need to be aware of those who have been radicalized, regardless of religion, and perhaps if evidence exists, to get a warrant, and follow or spy on those individuals.  It won't happen now.  Muslims in particular are off limits.

I wanted to address the fact that a witness in San Bernadino had observed suspicious activity with this couple's location, and didn't speak out.  I really can't blame him, even though the government tells us that if we "see something, to say something".  Anytime someone points a finger, boom racism! I mean, an American citizen, a finance, a child.  how could they be a threat?  Well...  Until we are free to speak out, without fear of retribution, or being labeled, this will happen again.  And again.  And again.  You can hear how desperate the media and the left are to finally have a mass murderer that is a conservative and  NOT either Muslim, or Democrat, (or other left winger), or mentally ill.  They are almost heartbroken when it does end up being one of those.

I understand the need to think long term, but in reality, should we care about long term if our world as we know it has erupted in war?  Environmental extremism is a luxury during a time of peace, but there is no place in war for it.  Falsified data by NASA and NOAA is being used to get the result the President wants on climate change.  This is not hyperbole.  It is documented.  We are broke, and the people are struggling financially.  Now is not the time to jack energy prices in the name of climate change.  Climate change is not about the environment, it is about control.

We are at war with ISIS, even the President has said so, and yet we have refused to choke off a significant source of revenue for ISIS. Their oil.  We don't want to hurt the truck drivers who may not be ISIS warriors, but certainly know they are working for them.  They are not innocent.  We won't attack the oil fields because of the potential environmental impact.  No one wants to hurt civilians, but as William Sherman stated. "War is Hell".  We should either go to war, or not. but pretending to be at war just to appease the American public is no longer acceptable.  If we want to withdraw from the world, let's do it right.  Close the borders with soldiers, and button up.   Let's not do that.

If we are going to war, get a Declaration of War from Congress, and turn ISIS into a smoldering ruin, And regardless if we go to war or not, until the already partially financed wall is built, we should definitely put regular army on the border.  That is an actual responsibility of the federal government, after all.  Really.


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