I predict Trump.

Yesterday, December 18.2015, The House of Representatives and the Senate made a decision to hand Donald Trump the nomination.  I am guessing that the sound of their jets running on the tarmac drowned out the sound of the American People saying "what the heck?"  Shall we review?

In 2010, the American Electorate put Republicans back in control of the House.  Overwhelmingly.  Why?  To put a stop to the President, and his desire to "fundamentally change this country"

In 2012, by running an establishment candidate, guess what?  Four more years of President Obama.  All sorts of reasons, or rather, excuses.  Want to know why it is a false assumption to assume the President had a mandate?  Because even then, the mostly conservative electorate put the Republican majority back in the House. while rejecting the honorable, but not conservative, and definitely mainstream, establishment, Mitt Romney.

In 2014, begging for money, and for turnout, the Republican Party sold its base a bill of goods.  If only we had the House and the Senate, things would be different.  We bought it. we should have known better.

Now we know.

And now, with the electorate focused on candidate debates, and terrorism, with jets running, vacations (at our expense) looming, they passed an Omnibus bill loaded with all those things that conservatives hate.  Funding for Obamacare, delaying the full pain of that act until after President Obama is long gone.  Planned Parenthood, so they can take the prime organs and sell them, and the rest toss into landfills.  Huge increase in low-skilled immigration.  Refugees flooding in. ( a whole other piece coming up)  And on, and on.  Want to know who won?  The President praises Speaker Ryan, and Pelosi and Reid are gloating.

The GOP electorate, and those working class Democrats that feel sold out by the special interest laden Democratic party, have awaken.  If blacks ever figure out what the party they support feels about them, then maybe they will start voting their interests.

I felt that Jeb got Trump riled up uncomfortably in the last debate, and I think that had the elected officials in DC (minus candidates Paul, and Cruz who did vote no) actually stood up, then I think we would have seen the spiral down of Trump.  Not now.  I think that the Congress paved the way for Trump to the nomination.

Note,  Rubio's fingerprints are not on the bill.  He was absent for the vote.  If you weren't sure whether Rubio was the Establishment's Plan B, you can be now.

Note 2.  I am not a Trump supporter, quite the opposite, I feel that he will build on the Executive Power that the President has created, and expand it.  When you have such frustration with the ruling class, a tyrant, elected by the people, usually follows.


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