There are others, they don't know they are done, but there are only two.

I can't really comment on the debate, I was watching Rand Paul on line.  I find Trump's line of reason interesting regarding Cruz. He uses the logic of a longtime Clinton supporter, Lawrence Tribe, to sow doubt about Cruz's eligibility to even be President.  Remember that, he is using the argument of a Clinton supporter.  As I was thinking about that, I thought about what is happening, and how the future Republican Party will function.

Unless something happens that no one expects, the race comes down to two, not three like most commentators think but Trump and Cruz.  So where does that leave the Establishment?  I wonder if it leaves them going to Trump.

Cruz has a great campaign going.  It is simply putting Trump in context.  He is pointing out to those that will listen that Trump is no conservative.  His ads simply have Trump on record.  Trump has a huge record of being for all sorts of things conservatives might find distasteful.  Here are a few examples.

Not just pro choice, but pro partial birth abortion.  He acknowledges that it is abhorrent, but in an interview in 1999, he said he would not work to outlaw the practice.  Romney gave a very detailed explanation for why he went from being personally pro life but govern pro choice to full throated prolife.  Trump offers excuses of convenience.

He loves the Kelo decision, where the Supremes said it was okay for a city to use eminent domain to take property from one individual and give it to another, based on the benefit of providing more tax revenue.

Gay marriage.  It doesn't matter now, but he was a strong supporter of gay marriage before it was an issue.  Certainly before the President, before Hillary Clinton, even before Bill. In fact, while Bill signed the Defense of Marriage Act to define marriage as a man and woman, he also signed Don't ask, don't tell, banning outed gays from the military.  Trump supported both.  Remember, I am pointing out that conservatives might want to know his position on these things.

Higher Taxes on the Rich.  What else needs to be said?  Why does someone so rich support taxing the rich even more?  Because like all super rich, he will have loopholes written into the law so they don't pay.  That is why they are terrified of a tax plan that eliminates all those benefits for the 1% of the 1%.  

Executive orders.  He is on record of liking that power.  Just because he might be "one of our guys" doesn't mean that that power is okay.  It isn't,

Who tweeted that Barack Obama was a winner and that he always votes for a winner in 2012?  You guessed it.  Remember, he was a Romney supporter, but knowing he has to work with those that are there, he can just change.  After all, he is Trump.

But the establishment of the Republican party, detesting Senator Ted Cruz, may think that they can make a deal with him.  Maybe a VP slot?

Finally, here is what I worry about with Trump.  Presuming him as the nominee, what happens if he is behind Hillary in the polls, and he doesn't want to lose?  I venture the possibility that Trump may make a deal with Hillary, and drop from the race.  Is that extreme?  Consider the track record when you consider the answer.  He always goes with a winner.


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