
Showing posts from April, 2016

Who is the anti establishment candidate?

FORMER Speaker of the House, John Boehner, E(establishment)-OH cut what should be an ad for Ted Cruz today. The audio is not very good, but wanted to get it out quick.  So as a reminder of how John Boehner led the House: Collapsed after promising to stop Obamacare Collapsed on the Dictates of Immigration Amnesty by the President  Besides that, he: Resigned not only as Speaker, but his House seat as well, knowing that he was going to be FIRED! He is texting friends with Trump, and a golf buddy. Yup, referred to Senator Cruz  as Lucifer, said he would never vote for him.  Called him some names. If you are against the establishment, John Boehner, has given you the path.  It ain't Trump. Need more proof?  Peter King, E-NY  said that Cruz was worse than Lucifer. Why this hatred? Back in 2013, on the eve of the implementation of Obamacare, the establishment was humiliated by a single Senator ...

The age old question.

So, with everything going Trump's way, I just want to go back in time.  Time for the way back machine.... In 1994, the Massachusetts general election for the Senate was very tight.  Senator Ted "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy was in the political fight for his life against Mitt Romney.  Mr. Romney was on a roll in a very bad year for Democrats.   The polls were too close to call, and in an anti-incumbent year for Democrats, that meant a loss. But then, the bane of moderate Republicans everywhere struck.  In a debate, with not just Massachusetts watching, but the country, Mr. Romney went wobbly.  He went the "I am personally pro-life, but would support Roe vs. Wade".  Of course, most would say that it is a very blue state, and one should be pro-choice.  The perfect trap.  Mr. Romney lost.  Why?  Because, if you give people a choice between a real Democrat, and Democrat-lite (progressive Republican), they will choose the real thing....


I am soooo frustrated.  I may have mentioned that I am in an American Government Class.  Of course, most of the students identify as progressive, or rather liberal, with many supporting Senator Sanders.  That isn't particularly surprising, of course, but it goes to show that math is not emphasized. So what is frustrating me?  When we have our discussion boards, We have questions about various aspects of the chapters we are studying.  This section has chapters on Congress, the Presidency, the Judiciary, and the Bureaucracy. So people have not fully weighed in on the last two, but let me give you a flavor of the future.  The question on the Presidency was whether the President has power through Executive Orders to make law.  The answers are overwhelmingly yes.  Not surprising of course, but in their processing that the President has tried to work with Congress (Lie), they completely neglect the FACT that the same electorate that reelected the P...

Single Payer.

The Affordable Care Act was meant to fail.  That is right.  Even Democrats knew that if implemented as passed it would be a disaster of such magnitude that their party could be destroyed.  So portions were implemented, you know, the feel good, no one wants to argue.  Health care for that dependent living in your basement until he or she is 26.  No preexisting condition denials.  Fantastic, right?  So what about the rest?  The corporate mandate?  No way.  They saw what happened with the threat.  Hours cut. Full time work in service industry destroyed.  The 800 lb. donkey in the room is still hiding in the closet, because they didn't think the results would be this bad, and they KNOW it will only get worse when it is fully implemented.  So, where do we turn, now that we have created a whole new group of entitlement junkies? If only government ran healthcare, top to bottom.  They could control costs, they could streaml...

A vote for discrimination, and a comment on democracy.

Did I get you? I am getting really tired of all the talk about safe spaces, anti discrimination laws, and the fact that we have taken a verb which EVERYBODY does, and turned it into something evil.  Run to the safe space!   Quick question.  Do you love Burger King?  How about McDonald's?  Hardee's?   So I guess that there are those that wouldn't walk into any of them.  Are you discriminating?  YES!    Do you eat non-gmo foods only?  Bigot!  Do you like certain brands of clothing?  Models of cars?  We discriminate in everything.  So when we talk about discriminating in regards to politics? The rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights were originally used only to constrain the federal government.  That is correct, not to constrain citizens, or even state governments for that matter.  Every state decided who could, and who could not vote.  The Civil War amendments, enforced the federal prote...


I wanted to tell the story of Francisco Rivera Perez.  He was know as Paquirri, and was a very famous bullfighter in Spain.  After recovering from a serious injury, he resumed his career in a pueblo called Pozoblanco, in the province of Cordoba.  I remember watching this bullfight, 26 September, 1984, in our landlord's house.  It was an unfortunate fight for Paquirri.  He was gored in the leg, severing both femoral arteries.  It was impressive that he got up and started running, before the bull was detained, and he was carried out of the ring, all on live television. He was put in an ambulance, and died on the way to the nearest hospital.  Why do I take a moment to tell this tale? Francisco Rivera Perez lived in a country where, even back in 1984, health care was a right.  And yet, when he needed it most, where was it?  In a hospital 50 km away. This is a perfect example of what I mean when I say health  care is NOT a right.  If...