Who is the anti establishment candidate?

FORMER Speaker of the House, John Boehner, E(establishment)-OH cut what should be an ad for Ted Cruz today.


The audio is not very good, but wanted to get it out quick.  So as a reminder of how John Boehner led the House:

Collapsed after promising to stop Obamacare

Collapsed on the Dictates of Immigration Amnesty by the President  Besides that, he:

Resigned not only as Speaker, but his House seat as well, knowing that he was going to be FIRED!

He is texting friends with Trump, and a golf buddy.

Yup, referred to Senator Cruz  as Lucifer, said he would never vote for him.  Called him some names.

If you are against the establishment, John Boehner, has given you the path.  It ain't Trump.

Need more proof?  Peter King, E-NY  said that Cruz was worse than Lucifer.

Why this hatred?

Back in 2013, on the eve of the implementation of Obamacare, the establishment was humiliated by a single Senator from Texas.  They felt that their party was destroyed. (never mind who ultimately won the majority in 2014)  Establishment Republicans own Obamacare nearly as much as the President does.  Make no mistake.

Senator Cruz ran against the party favorite in 2012 for US Senate in Texas.  Forced a run-off primary, and won.  He crushed the Democrat in the general.  Why?  He said he would do whatever he could to stop the Frankenstein that is Obamacare.  He tried, but the establishment, after pretending to go along with the stoppage, collapsed, rolled over, and played dead.  Who was the establishment in the House?  John Boehner.

No doubt he blames Cruz, but in reality, he has NOTHING but CONTEMPT for the Republican electorate that bought the "just give us the Senate". ( I was one, by the way, NEVER again.)  The establishment is already planning on blaming this presidential loss on conservatives.

If Trump wins the nomination, I think Gary Johnson gets a heck of a lot more than 1%, and Hillary wins, and pardons herself.

If Cruz wins the nomination, then it will be a contest of who can get their block out.  Liberals disappointed that the Socio-Communist didn't get the nod, or Conservatives that will easily come out to vote.  Of course the establishment will stay home, and just wait to make amends with what they expect an easy Hillary victory.

But it would be a good ad.


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