A vote for discrimination, and a comment on democracy.

Did I get you?

I am getting really tired of all the talk about safe spaces, anti discrimination laws, and the fact that we have taken a verb which EVERYBODY does, and turned it into something evil.  Run to the safe space!  

Quick question.  Do you love Burger King?  How about McDonald's?  Hardee's?   So I guess that there are those that wouldn't walk into any of them.  Are you discriminating?  YES!    Do you eat non-gmo foods only?  Bigot!  Do you like certain brands of clothing?  Models of cars?  We discriminate in everything.  So when we talk about discriminating in regards to politics?

The rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights were originally used only to constrain the federal government.  That is correct, not to constrain citizens, or even state governments for that matter.  Every state decided who could, and who could not vote.  The Civil War amendments, enforced the federal protections on the states.  Want to guess who passed those?  But I digress.  People, and businesses were allowed to act as they wanted, and as long as they weren't infringing on the rights of others, then no problem, and yes, that included the right to serve in your business whom you wanted.  What ended that?  Well, a party that shall not be named created laws that forced businesses to discriminate, to segregate, and to divide our society.  Hmm, sound familiar?  Jim Crow laws took away the rights of businesses to run as they wished.

Senator Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP presidential candidate, and Senator from Arizona, actually fought the 1964 Civil Rights Act,   The Democrats filibustered the bill.  The filibuster was broken by a GOP majority, and a Democrat minority.  It was President Johnson's bill, and it was saved by Republicans.  Why was Senator Goldwater against it?  Because rather than eliminating discrimination laws, it forced businesses to not "discriminate", or in other words, it violated a person's right to their property, and to use it as they see fit.  Of course, that is standard, as it was the same party that forced them to segregate in the first place.  Go figure.  It seems that is what they have always been about, taking rights from others.  

So after 50 years of enforcing their views on others, we now reach a time where government is actively persecuting those who have had enough, those that would choose whom they would serve.  Do I think that people should discriminate?  I think it would be bad business to do so, but if we don't have the right to serve those we would, then we are no more than slaves.

Donald Trump keeps mentioning that we are a Democracy, and that we shouldn't deny the people's choices.  Of course he is referring to his inability to actually do the work of campaigning, instead relying on the free supply of air time that other candidates have to pay for. (estimated at $2billion for the primary alone)   Democrats love talking about democracy, heck, even the writer of my American Government textbook refers to our country as a democracy. (disclaimer, I don't know where the writer is politically, other than misstating our form of government) I think that we might be lacking in Civics instruction in this nation, which would explain why we are where we are politically.
What we definitely are not is a democracy.  We really aren't a republic anymore, either, so what does that leave?  We are now governed by polls, and by crony businesses, and interest groups buying influence.  Or, better said, governed by the mob.  Ask yourself this question; If we were truly a democracy, would we have Obamacare?  Polls say no.  Would we have gone into Iraq initially?  I guess a plurality said yes, but it would have been iffy.  Not a democracy.  Repeat after me, NOT A DEMOCRACY.  If we were, at least, for now, much saner policies would be in place, and hopefully, we would not be in our spend our grand kids money place.  

FYI, the mobocracy is not defined by one party, this is a most bipartisan affair.


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