Light bulb came on!
The mantra now is: "If you vote third party, you are not only throwing your vote away, but you will give Hillary the White House". Of course, that was the mantra in 2008, and 2012. Along with every other election. We were told to pinch our noses, and vote. I should be very clear, people should vote, and support, their candidate of choice. Like Trump? Good, vote for him! That is how we are supposed to act. I am not writing this to you. I am writing, as I am not thrilled with Trump. I am, of course, less thrilled with Hillary. I am tired of settling for a candidate, simply because we can't let the other one win. What if I feel that voting for Trump is settling for the lesser of two evils? It is still evil, and we will reap what we sow. I was thinking about this, when something came to me. As conservatives, we are to the GOP what the blacks are to the Democrats. a solid voting block. Don't freak out! ...